The " Stroll " was a lot of fun...we sampled mexican food, grilled pizza, pasta, gelato and my favorite..SANGRIA
My son just took his test for his learner's permit so now I have to get a day off to take him to the registry for his driver's permit....I think i'm gonna
.....I am SO not looking forward to him driving - it seems like all I hear about lately is new driver's getting in terrible did he get to be 16 so fast...what happened to that cute kid who made silly faces and talked funny ??? ( Now he rolls his eyes at me when I tell him something and swears when he thinks I can't hear him - that's where he went !! )

My son just took his test for his learner's permit so now I have to get a day off to take him to the registry for his driver's permit....I think i'm gonna

The Poco Coso Cafe just has an amazing menu, the chef makes it all fresh and it changes everyday. If you ever visit AZ, missdates and I will take you two (2) there.
I am so getting burned out in corrections and am looking towards the time I find something else. It sucks!!!
Have a goodnight.
16 does seem very young
he'd have to wait an extra year in the uk to learn and then you can only take your test when you're 18
i think so long as a learns over a long period of time, not one of those crash courses (please pardon the unintentional pun)
he'll become a good and safe driver
i think it's dangerous to school kids on how to drive in 1 week and test them - which you get over here - cuz when they pass, they're on the road solo after only being behind a wheel for a few days
it's madness when you look at it like that, but it happens
don't worry, he'll be cool