this weekend was filled with ninja-style antics approaching complete robot destruction. somebody's apartment was trashed in the process. it really isn't the 78 hot dogs we left in various hiding places, or the baffling and disturbing number of shoe horns that migrated into the bathroom. no, it's going to be that solitary bee we tacked up, holding the communist flag up. i'm also certain all...
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Miles is gonna be pissed when he see's his apartment.
i miss you alan. there needs to be adequate robot destruction soon.
alright - so it's been a crazy two weeks. the rest of the noise has vanished. at some point - i got a haircut. i'm no longer this kind of hippie fiend. instead - it's much worse. more detail to come sirs - stay tuned kiddos.
i cant wait
well, i'm back in towne again. it was a very trying and depressing weekend for me. in spite of that, i still have some stories to tell. one must live their own life, true? i can't wait to share. let me sober up first. tongue

edited to say i love y'all. i never thought being randomly active on sg would let me meet some really cool...
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dig you too man, hope all is well in Faetown
as some of you may or may not know, i'm dealing with a ton of difficult things right now. i'm leaving tomorrow to go to tallahassee and visit my dad, who is extremely ill. i don't know right now how long i'm staying, or what exactly is going to happen. all i know is that it's been a stressful time for me and i haven't...
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take care.
you have my number if you need to talk.
i'll be sure to check up on you man.
i'm very, very ill. asleep for 18+ hours at a time, not eating, and lots of strange muscle pain.
thanks for coming to the party!
i am glad that you are still among the living. smile
blast from the past!
do you ever feel like the decision to choose to be alive is constantly being taxed on you? as if, no, you don't really have this nebulous cloud of freedom in front of you - no, you need to sit down and shut up and put up. that way, you don't even get a chance to even taste what it's like to be free.

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the urban shaman - once again, the uninterested third party - my psyche recoils in delight. i'm on the upswing again, gentlefolk. things are becoming once again mutli-colored snowflakes and grotesque. in a fit of urban renewal, i moved my bed. i plan on moving a variety of other large objects in my home. i think the movement itself was enough to tilt me, in...
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by the power of the sword, the god * jesus robo tall must have been talking to me all weekend. something happened to myself between 10:00 pm on friday and saturday at 3:00 pm - like stomata drunk off of aphids i swam in some kind of mysterious whorl. perhaps it was the iceberg lettuce. it's always the god damned salad with the big huge...
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the tip off is that he was on vacation. it was just too perfect. like giving a sick dog a big old steak dinner before you put him down. except that's sad.
the gentle magma runs over the soul once, then twice over. the gentle illusion makes itself move faster, and then, i find myself distraught. part of me wants to, yes. the other half, not so sure. but i keep thinking - the noise gets louder. the situation becomes manifest. and i picture it wandering, wavering back and forth. and the mind keeps thinking. and everything...
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gotta love these

due to excessive demand, this is the story. and yes, i actually scared someone with this story, so i have to remind everyone it's a work of fiction. this didn't actually happen, there is no mary, and i'm ok. honest.

By: Me

The clouds shifted gently and held the moon in embrace. We said our goodbyes, and more trite conversation followed. I tired of...
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haha.. this is great.. the characters act like theyve just killed a person.. they get all worked up about hiding the 'evidence' ha.. its awesome..
hows it been going?