so, interestingly enough, i've put myself back on the job market, as a result of my company's outmoded policy to rank the value and productivity of software as a function of assembly-line-style hours.
portland, oregon. home of intel's automation lab. i'm trying to not get too excited, because they'll probably reject my demands for flex time. but it's worth a shot. you just don't know.
are jobs like relationships? relationships like jobs?
and out of the blue, some cat i know through the gatech newsgroups basically invited me to consider opportunities in starting a business with one of my old profs. something having to do with spambot detection. it sounds pretty cool. i'm keeping an open mind.
i'm just a little surprised all these opportunities just fell into my lap. i can't be far off, right?
portland, oregon. home of intel's automation lab. i'm trying to not get too excited, because they'll probably reject my demands for flex time. but it's worth a shot. you just don't know.
are jobs like relationships? relationships like jobs?
and out of the blue, some cat i know through the gatech newsgroups basically invited me to consider opportunities in starting a business with one of my old profs. something having to do with spambot detection. it sounds pretty cool. i'm keeping an open mind.
i'm just a little surprised all these opportunities just fell into my lap. i can't be far off, right?