Well, the shoot went very well......... watch this space for some shots. Weather here is awful byt it's meant to be 80 degrees over the weekend. I am in Birmingham on sunday for a shoot involving celtic mythology and some Egyptian shots. Should be cool.......Hope it is 80 degrees.....!
Well................ work tonight then getting ready for my shoot on Thursday in Nottingham. Looking forward to this one, love the whole classic photography black and white thing. London on Sunday...... no I never tire of it. Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi out there................... Days off are going great. Loads a vids and lounging around. Going to London to buy a cool corset and have a "Dirty STARBUCKS" on Camden dock...... That's what I call fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now lady, THAT sounds like a good way to spend a holiday!!!! youve made me think now that I need to find out all me old horror fils me self! *wanders off*
Hi everyone. well I have nearly finished my marking and the summer starts next wednesday when I go to London!!!!!!!!!!!! Goin to JASPER CONRAN shop to try on a ridiculously expensive dress and then to Camden to buy some cool clothes from Cyber Dog. Shoots early June so I'll post some pics. Oh yeah, I posted a few more 'chains' pics and some of my... Read More