Hello! Thank you for questions! I already like that idea and some of the questions are really surprising and interesting! Thank you!)
So, here is it! The first, so called (by me), essay.
I will divide it to 3-4 questions not to make it very long and hopefully not very boring.
"What is your philosophy of life?"
Oh, definitely not easy one question)
I think many philosophies would advise you to live your life happily. But definition of Happiness isn't universally defined. You should define it yourself. So, I think I'm always looking for something that interests me and makes me happy. And also I try to make this process as meaningful and creative as possible.
"Where are you from ? Where have you traveled to?"
I've traveled to Greece, Austria, Israel, Russia, Georgia, France, Slovakia, Belarus. And China, where I have lived a little more than for a year and going to stay even longer this time when I return there. I'm sure that I'll improve my Chinese to a pretty good level this time!) And I was born in Ukraine with russian, greek (and a lot of deferent) origins and Polish surname:)
"What's your favorite color?"
Certainly, every color is beautiful) Funnily to mention it on the site that celebrates beauty diversity ;) But I can say that I especially like purple and a greenish-blue color.
"What's the craziest thing a guy has done or said trying to get some play from You?"
Hmm, loved me. More than crazy enough, I think.