So Graeme and I were eating some BK Veggies when these 3 guys came in, saw Graeme had his legs crossed and started trying to throw ice at us and snickering about how gay we were. When we were on the way out the door one of the guys asked me "Are you a Steer or a Queer?", obvuously by stealing a line from a movie (An Officer and a Gentleman) and useing it completeley out of context he proved his superior intelect. So i fingered him and left. They followed us out into the parking lot and started calling Graeme Harry Potter (because we were wearing scarves I guess).
I hate Kelowna. Only 2 weeks left in this town. Just 2 weeks.

I hate Kelowna. Only 2 weeks left in this town. Just 2 weeks.

And mario...
[Edited on Dec 28, 2003 1:16AM]
maybe i do suck for leaving kelowna, but on the other hand, kelowna sucks.
dementia: thank-you for the tattoo compliment and you'll behappy to know i jst hooke dup mario land right now.