I fucking hate this new layout, thanks for fucking up my familiarity with the site...
hey biggrin
Hey YOU! smile thanks for everything. im PMing you something. hope you like it
Todays status went to court now i got another 600 bill i got to pay cause of stupid traffic tickets at least i still got my license so i can keep my job. I'm still financially fucked getting close to filing bankruptcy they just called on my car wanting to kno where their money is. But on the good side of things i got some...
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Thanks for adding me as your friend! how was your weekend? kiss
Well life is good right now if you set aside the fact that i'm dead broke. Garnishment is still kicking my ass and i got a ticket that i'm gonna need to pay off thats like 500 plus court fees to and all kinds of crap not to mention paying my regualr bills. But if you dont think about my current and impending debt its...
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Well so much for updating my blog regularly... oh well i guess some is better then none and Hey! i'm actually doing really great about updating it took me 2 years to even start this blog. Not much new in life it still sucks at the moment money is tight still... i'm in month 2 of my garnishment of my check for an old ass...
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Today has been a bunch of crap I woke up sick this morning. So i pretty much stayed home all day, but it wasn't to bad cause i finally bought guitar hero 3 and been playing that. Well i'm gonna go back to being sick now.
I havent kept a journal since I was 7 years old. I wasn't very good at it then but maybe i'll be better at it now. So here goes my attempt at blogging, well i've officially done it i'm a blogger now.
So far so good... I had to do something stupid like that as my first official post to my blog. Well i guess i should start now, i'm not sure what exactly i'm supposed to do here so i'll just ramble. I'm doing okay right now i'm emotionally high and physically literally i'm sitting pretty good right now with a good nice big healthy stash of reggies and even dank actually never had so much dank before in my life. But financially not so hot bills bills bills... theres good and bad. The good part is i just got a raise at my job a $7.12/hr more raise to be exact the bad part is i've taken so long to pay some old bills now my pay check is gonna be garnished court order. 25%!!! Ouch... well at least i got my raise first so i can stil pay my other bills i got. That was the Good and the Bad this is the Ugly. After all that joy of getting that raise just to have it taken away sort of well the ugliest part of it all is i'm still a broke ass. But at least i'm a broke ass paying off all his bills so theres some comfort in it. Good thing i'm low maintaince, dont need much to get by cause i cant afford it till this garnishment is done anyways.
a very admirable start smile I always failed at keep journals too...