Listen to it here...
wow these guys are noise personified.
I feel a little dead after tonight so I think ill do a quick picture blog.
Beer of the night!
Im not a beerist, but I think this is pretty darn tasty! sweet with a little dry aftertaste!
events of the day: Luminaria.
At this point in time: yay! Im excited! Last year was fun! I cant wait!
Lamps that represent! not too shabby...
There was a LOT of people around this year. Yay for for the amount of traffic my piece saw, but large crowds? not my thing. Person = singular = fine. people = plural = cattle with short attention spans = no good.
at least this guy liked it!! he didnt.
oh well. highlight of the night? An old white conservative looking man called my piece gobbledy gook. I didnt know people actually used that term! It really fit the night, actually... Next year I think Ill tell luminaria to shove a nice long gobbledy gook up their ass. Too many people who would rather get drunk and shove food in their mouths than take time to understand a different perspective other than their own..meh. Its san anto. what do I expect.
Video games and beer tonight! possibly a movie..and then SXSW this week!
Bho is playing with the Coathangers. Theyre on Suicide Squeeze, pretty cool sound, nothing new, but its fun!