Well, I had an interesting weekend. Raised nearly 500 bucks for the widows group I belong to. That was cool... and it only took 4 hours.... gee, how come I cant get paid at that rate??? and then a working meeting on our incorporation papers. We are now incorporation.... YWOW, INC. Sounds kinda cool.... I am sitting down this week to write up a paper...
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Everything went really well today with my mom. She is on all the pain medication she could ever want. Thanks for the concern. As for the cat, she's gotta go to the vet to see what else we can do for her. frown

Also congrats on the money rasied for the group. What do you guys plan to use it for?? smile

[Edited on Mar 30, 2004 1:51AM]
I think the issue of values is pretty subjective in the case you state, and there really shouldn't be any "right" values, only a "right" way to argue those values. Different corporations have different circumstances, and different circumstances call for different values. Given the kind of person you seem to be, I'm sure you'll be able to formulate a convincing argument for whatever values you choose to defend. smile
Just a short note... Im home, back in Norfolk, Virginia. My dog is still very much alive and well, and very happy to see me. Thought she'd forget who I was....

On to opening the next chapter of my life. If you dont know what I mean by that, look at my previous journal enteries.

Be well everyone, Especially my friends.

Hugs and kiss kiss kiss kiss to all...
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Glad to hear you're safely home again. Good luck with your new beginnings! smile
Yeah, the internet connection I'll get when I move back on campus will be ethernet. Fast as lightening, that stuff! And, free with the dorm room! I can't wait.

Yeah, I've had a couple of very strange experiences in the past few years, and last year I discovered it was sleep paralysis. I haven't actually woken up paralyzed again since last year, but I think the problem may have something to do with why I sometimes still feel very sore and tired after a full night's sleep. Unfortunately, there's no chemical treatment for it yet. Just gotta try to get enough sleep and not get overtired. smile
Well, I am getting ready to leave Fort Lauderdale Wednesday afternoon, and head back to my reality in Norfolk, Va. This trip was worth the time, effort, and money I paid. I did everything I came down here to do, and got better than expected results. I had the final chat with my late wife. Something about sitting down, facing her headstone, (which was the...
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Well, I just got back to Fort Lauderdale from Orlando. Yesterday I went to Bushnell to have what is now the final discussion I will ever have with my late wife. I have finally closed that door, with the understanding that she will never be forgotten, just no longer in the forefront of my life. I feel a hell of better for doing this. Nothing...
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I'm glad to hear you're getting further along in the healing process. That's always an excellent feeling.

The knee is feeling much better today. This happens from time to time. It's something I've gotten used to, but still complain about. Thanks for the concern!
thank you! biggrin although letting things go is hard its also a good feeling to be getting on with other things.

if you want i know a few people who can fix your profile pic so it doesnt look so distorted. just a suggestion...im not very good at photo shop either!
Well, another friday here and gone. Im getting psyched up for my trip to florida. Im leaving tuesday for 2 weeks. I have a computer down there already, so I will still be in touch with the world as I know it, and my friends here on SG... I have some soul searching to do. Since Ill be at my parents condo, then off to...
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Thanks for adding me; I hope you have a safe and healing trip!
Have a safe trip! I hope you feel more complete when you come back! smile
Today was a pretty good day, besides being warm, I went to a conference on grief that was put on by Dr. Alan Wolfelt, Ph.D. Director for the center for loss and life transition out of Fort Collins, Colorado. It was a very interesting day. Lots of good info for anyone who wants to know. It is still a bright and sunny day. Im going...
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thanx for the thoughtfullnes. i think things might be subsiding for tonight anyways. its not a runny nose or even a cough...im just really warm and have an itchy-sore throat. i think i got it from my son. oh well...this too shall pass!
(i dont really like that phrase for some reason but it applies to most everything.) biggrin
Nah, I think i'll just keep complaining about it. biggrin

[Edited on Mar 05, 2004 3:22AM]
What a gloomy day. Grey, overcast and cold. I told my friend that when she was ready to ship some things off for her husband, to get me and Ill help with the boxes, otherwise, I wouldnt be going anywhere today. Except to either a doctors appointment, or to walk my dog. So I did get out for a couple of hours.. I have a...
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So did you get to take your dog to the beach today since it was so perfect and beautiful outside?

Thanks for the offer about talking about my friends, by the way. I'm actually at a point (now) where I'm okay with it, though. It's been almost ten years for one of them, and almost four for the other.
Today is a decent day. Weather is grey and cloudy, makes me want to stay in bed. I went to see my doc this morning, had a reallly good discussion about the things going on in my life. He is one of the few people, yes I have pay him, who actually listens to what I have to say, and comes up constructive criticism when...
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It's good that you've got someone to talk to, even if it is a doctor. That really does help. At least I think so, anyway. My condolences about your wife, by the way. I know how hard it is to have friends die, so I can only imagine what you're going through. (Hopefully that doesn't sound presumptuous or anything, because it's definitely not meant to.)

Thanks for the compliment, by the way. I like the new color, too, though purple will probably always be my favorite.
Thanks for the email. I'll respond to it later. smile

I wear clear contacts, but the name of the brand escapes me. (I look at it so often I've just stopped seeing it.) I'm giving them a rest for awhile, though. And as far as I can tell, my eye doesn't have anything wrong with it. Thanks for the concern!
Well, I finally got a pic up that is not so messed up. Its still not the best, but it fits. Ill keep trying to get a better one up. My corporate meeting went ok for the first 3 hours, since most of us were up most of the night, we quit about noon. We still got alot done. My company will be incorporated by...
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thank you blush
You very very right sir! smile
Good Morning everyone... For some reason, I am unable to get much sleep. Since I havent made a journal entry yet, this would be a good time. kiss kiss

Its 4am on the east coast. I have a corporation meeting to attend at 8 30... I will be in great shape for it... (maybe nap time while Im there). eeek But that is life.
I have seen alot...
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