Today is a decent day. Weather is grey and cloudy, makes me want to stay in bed. I went to see my doc this morning, had a reallly good discussion about the things going on in my life. He is one of the few people, yes I have pay him, who actually listens to what I have to say, and comes up constructive criticism when necessary, and ways of dealing the issues. I have with this doc over 4 years. If I didnt like him, I would have moved on. This month was tough. What should have been my 20th valentines day, was actually a wreck. I am going to visit my wifes grave next month. Hopefully, this is what I need to do to keep healing.
Be well Everyone, especially my friends.
Be well Everyone, especially my friends.
Thanks for the compliment, by the way. I like the new color, too, though purple will probably always be my favorite.
I wear clear contacts, but the name of the brand escapes me. (I look at it so often I've just stopped seeing it.) I'm giving them a rest for awhile, though. And as far as I can tell, my eye doesn't have anything wrong with it. Thanks for the concern!