This is the email I sent one of the leaders of the Boulder GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) last night. Safe to say I didn't 'make it' albeit I nearly laughed myself silly as a result.
Wow, ok, last night was unfortunate AND really hilarious. I drove up to your university from Colorado Springs to go to your meeting...and my google map told me to 'Turn Right on Colorado Ave', so I did - and that was illegal. So I was pulled over, & I got a $113 ticket!
Next I did find the proper entrance to your campus, talked to someone about Willard (I was late by a few minutes by now because of the ticket, but still destined to arrive at a reasonable moment) and headed off.
I found Willard, walked in the front doors, found the second floor, looked at the map, went to open the door to the wing...and it was locked. Two women came up the stairs, I asked them what I should do/how I should get to the GLBTQ Resource Center, Willard 227, and they confirmed that yes, the door from inside was locked, so I should try to get into the building from the outside stairs if poss.
I walked around...a guy came out RIGHT as I arrived but I saw that this door is only accessible for those with student IDs -- and I didn't have the heart to bust through when I'm not actually a student. I called the Center, no one picked up..I left my book outside these stairs...talked to another fellow about how one might get in, decided it futile unless I was prepared to start throwing things at what I THOUGHT was the right I came home!
Then, on the way home, I really needed to pee (ahem) because of course all the University bathrooms I saw on maps were also held behind locked doors...(omg, good/safe but really AHHH when you need a bathroom!)...but then I got into a traffic jam for what seemed like eons..then once that loosened up I was pulled over again for apparently not being able to stay in my lane? Someone had complained?! At one point during my trip I'd just laughed and laughed at how silly the night had been & then I blasted music out and daaaanced around...thus most likely causing the car to be somewhat erratic.
Texas traffic patrols are definitely not as vigilant as CO ones are! Craziness. He let me go - he could see I was just being a goof. I'm glad I didn't get two tickets in one night?! Madness. I drove all the way over from Florida to Texas just three weeks ago and had no problems! So it's wild.
Anyway, sorry I couldn't attend your meeting and see y'all - I definitely wanted to! I'll make up a YouTube video introduction and it'd be awesome if you could play it at your next meeting and then give me feedback. Ultimately I'd like to talk to you about arranging an event on your campus and/or for your group as well as a fundraising idea using my book. Sound ok?
Thanks for reading!

Wow, ok, last night was unfortunate AND really hilarious. I drove up to your university from Colorado Springs to go to your meeting...and my google map told me to 'Turn Right on Colorado Ave', so I did - and that was illegal. So I was pulled over, & I got a $113 ticket!
Next I did find the proper entrance to your campus, talked to someone about Willard (I was late by a few minutes by now because of the ticket, but still destined to arrive at a reasonable moment) and headed off.
I found Willard, walked in the front doors, found the second floor, looked at the map, went to open the door to the wing...and it was locked. Two women came up the stairs, I asked them what I should do/how I should get to the GLBTQ Resource Center, Willard 227, and they confirmed that yes, the door from inside was locked, so I should try to get into the building from the outside stairs if poss.
I walked around...a guy came out RIGHT as I arrived but I saw that this door is only accessible for those with student IDs -- and I didn't have the heart to bust through when I'm not actually a student. I called the Center, no one picked up..I left my book outside these stairs...talked to another fellow about how one might get in, decided it futile unless I was prepared to start throwing things at what I THOUGHT was the right I came home!
Then, on the way home, I really needed to pee (ahem) because of course all the University bathrooms I saw on maps were also held behind locked doors...(omg, good/safe but really AHHH when you need a bathroom!)...but then I got into a traffic jam for what seemed like eons..then once that loosened up I was pulled over again for apparently not being able to stay in my lane? Someone had complained?! At one point during my trip I'd just laughed and laughed at how silly the night had been & then I blasted music out and daaaanced around...thus most likely causing the car to be somewhat erratic.
Texas traffic patrols are definitely not as vigilant as CO ones are! Craziness. He let me go - he could see I was just being a goof. I'm glad I didn't get two tickets in one night?! Madness. I drove all the way over from Florida to Texas just three weeks ago and had no problems! So it's wild.
Anyway, sorry I couldn't attend your meeting and see y'all - I definitely wanted to! I'll make up a YouTube video introduction and it'd be awesome if you could play it at your next meeting and then give me feedback. Ultimately I'd like to talk to you about arranging an event on your campus and/or for your group as well as a fundraising idea using my book. Sound ok?
Thanks for reading!

as for recipes - yes eventually - i'm perfecting it.
as for the pictures - you can view them all on kimberly gillett's tumblr if you go back a few pages to where they start. there's a bunch of them!