I just had an image of picking up my laptop and crushing it into the massive window I'm sitting next to in the UT UGL library. I am so fucked off with having to freakin' continue to do bullshit editing and work on a Masters that I was in love with during the infatuation stage...which in fact didn't last very long.
fucker. my supervisor was promoted to head of department and while he's a lovely guy..he's admitted to everyone that its too stressful.
this resulted in him sucking ass on my project - forcing me to rush at the end when i actually organized myself to be done two months early. we made 10 appts together (only!) and he cancelled six. such bullshit. now im doing something to please the fuckers - otherwise known as "employers" - who I will in fact NEVER meet because i am an ENTREPRENEUR. suck my dick kid i dont need your salary, your car, your nose up my ass telling me what to do.
i will not become one of your servants(slaves) - I just need to get out of here.
I have so much life burning a hole in my sides cradling the last shread of integrity that is yet to be seered.
I wonder how much it would cost for me to replace a library window?

I have so much life burning a hole in my sides cradling the last shread of integrity that is yet to be seered.
I wonder how much it would cost for me to replace a library window?
Go see L.A. Guns at the red eyed fly tonight. It'll make you feel better

what are you trying to get a master's in?