helloooooooo my pretties!!!
I wrote out that long ass entry for yesterday, and then decided today that I'd just chuck out the shorter version of things - so that you don't feel
smooshed with too much information.

thank you for all the bday wishes, it was so neat logging on and having lotsa messages in my box

as it temporarily slipped my mind that sgs publishes your bday..or the date you wish it to be

hehe (but march 20th really is my very own bday), and so it was super neat to have all the neat msgs from y'all. hehe
ahaha "y'all"

yay! ahaha

*gets all ready for texas*

My goodness!!! Some time has passed since I last updated because a) things have been crazy with the move back to Austin coming up and then b)...my love, my
incredible love

Ryan organized an elaborate scheme with my parents to fly into Dunedin, New Zealand last Tuesday

...- even though I myself was arriving in Austin in less than two weeks from his arrival date (& now I only have six more days to go!), and he arranged for me to go to one of our special spots; a tree that he planted for our 1 year anniversary last year..where he surprised me (I had truly absolutely no idea that he was coming!!!) &...
proposed so me.

!!!!!!!! I freaked out in a seriously hilariously retarded way squeaking and hugging him endlessly...& I said yes!

He is the only man in the world I could ever ever imagine myself being with (and as you can probably guess - I have extremely high standards, so its just such a blessing to have someone finally meet them!!) ahhhhh!! eeeeeee!!!!!...Isn't this all just so exciting?!?!?!
this is me smiling a while ago in the same forest that he proposed to me in:
I am so happy.
I can't believe what a fairytale this all is - I mean...ah! yay!
yay for being a princess!

I love loving him!
*dances* thanks for reading...
I wish you all an incredible amount of happiness in your own lives - on all levels, and/or at least on one level..



-- & give me a shout if you'd like to bat around why your relationship is hot or cold or in between. I love talking relationships.
OH, I Love Weddings! Do you have anything planned already?
Okay, okay, I'll email you my phone number, if that's not working, cause it might get cut off, I'll email you my cell phone number okay?
Oh, my email is munster0216@hotmail.com, by the way....
Can't wait to see you hope your trip here goes well! Safe Travels! xoxo Kari