hiya tootsie roll pops.
did you know that tootsie rolls were named after an african tribe named tootsie? i never knew that until my mom looked up the etimology of 'tootsie roll'. makes the name a bit more jaded, given our oh so much more open mind nowadays, dont you think?
I remember being in Austin and meeting the most unlikely of characters. Who have you met? Tell me a story..
I was enjoying the warm Austin day, and I noticed an older black fellow stopped next to me. He had a blind person cane (my apologies for not knowing the correct terminology). He had the most radiating of energies, and sensing my presence, he said "Mighty fun day today isn't it! I can feel that brilliant sunshine on my face." I thought he was lovely. He asked me if I was crossing the street, and I said sure. We walked for a bit and then he asked me, "Ma'am? Do you like donuts?" I laughed and said of course I do! "Well then. Care to join me for a donut of two?" He paid the $1.23 at a small, unfranchised donut shop and I listened to his stories.
He was 67 years old, and was a defense autorney for people who were low on money, and got into all the related troubles. he told me how he had a fax that would read out his messages for him. He told me about a few other gidets in his house...& I'm amazed at the technology we now posess for people to be independent. He loves walking to the donut shop each day.
That was the last time I saw him. I got his cell phone number and all, but I *got busy* and...well. I was silly dorky holly. This was a year or two ago, so now - I dont fuck around anymore. I'm there when I say I'll be dammit, and I'll call you five minutes earlier than we planned.
Here's a few neato cheeto photos:
This is me being a dorka-roo
&......wahoo! A pic of my tat to finally show you:
& my goodness...people you NEED TO COME TO NEW ZEALAND!!! NO MORE fluffing AROUND!!! come play
I also found out that I love how water runs down the sides of an upside down bowl when you wash it. & I saw an old man walking his hundred million year old dog the other day, in the midst of an industrial area where it was very hot and it all seemed...so genuinely nice. I stopped at the stop sign and just stared for what seemed like a long long time...then I noticed the car behind we was about to run into my toosh.
what kind of dog did you invision when you read the above paragraph?
did you know that tootsie rolls were named after an african tribe named tootsie? i never knew that until my mom looked up the etimology of 'tootsie roll'. makes the name a bit more jaded, given our oh so much more open mind nowadays, dont you think?

I remember being in Austin and meeting the most unlikely of characters. Who have you met? Tell me a story..
I was enjoying the warm Austin day, and I noticed an older black fellow stopped next to me. He had a blind person cane (my apologies for not knowing the correct terminology). He had the most radiating of energies, and sensing my presence, he said "Mighty fun day today isn't it! I can feel that brilliant sunshine on my face." I thought he was lovely. He asked me if I was crossing the street, and I said sure. We walked for a bit and then he asked me, "Ma'am? Do you like donuts?" I laughed and said of course I do! "Well then. Care to join me for a donut of two?" He paid the $1.23 at a small, unfranchised donut shop and I listened to his stories.
He was 67 years old, and was a defense autorney for people who were low on money, and got into all the related troubles. he told me how he had a fax that would read out his messages for him. He told me about a few other gidets in his house...& I'm amazed at the technology we now posess for people to be independent. He loves walking to the donut shop each day.
That was the last time I saw him. I got his cell phone number and all, but I *got busy* and...well. I was silly dorky holly. This was a year or two ago, so now - I dont fuck around anymore. I'm there when I say I'll be dammit, and I'll call you five minutes earlier than we planned.
Here's a few neato cheeto photos:
This is me being a dorka-roo

&......wahoo! A pic of my tat to finally show you:

& my goodness...people you NEED TO COME TO NEW ZEALAND!!! NO MORE fluffing AROUND!!! come play

I also found out that I love how water runs down the sides of an upside down bowl when you wash it. & I saw an old man walking his hundred million year old dog the other day, in the midst of an industrial area where it was very hot and it all seemed...so genuinely nice. I stopped at the stop sign and just stared for what seemed like a long long time...then I noticed the car behind we was about to run into my toosh.

what kind of dog did you invision when you read the above paragraph?

I still have no idea. I mean it's hrad to pick my most favourtie thing in the world.