ahhhhhh!!! YAAAY!!! this is so freaking exciting. The New Zealand market is so grand at the moment (ie: millions and millions of buyers) that within two days of being on the market...my little house that myself, my mom, dad and amazing boyfriend have totally dolled up, has gotten FIVE, yes FiVE offers on it already!!! WOW!! All for my asking price too, which is neat neat, and it can be seen at the website below:
yay! Otherwise it can be searched for at raywhite.co.nz at the price range between $150 - $200,000. The area it's in is North East valley - which is in the upper left hand corner of my particular ad.
In other news, an old friend from highschool who is just so cute and alternative invited me to her party tonight which kicks lots of sweet ass. Im excited!
yay for friends. I'd lost touch with a lot of them over this year because of doing 80 hrs + /week at school and work, and sheesh its so nice to relax, do some house rennovations and move on!

In other news, an old friend from highschool who is just so cute and alternative invited me to her party tonight which kicks lots of sweet ass. Im excited!


Relaxation... Ahhhhh. Do you get this week off from school too?

hi! you must be rather busy lately... hope you're doing well and all goes smoothly with the house fun... talk to you soon sweetheart!