i deleted this because i dont think that anyone here can have the answer...which is ok, and i like figuring things out on my own anyway.
quite right.
so im insanely busy right now. i just wrote seven 8,000 word essays in six weeks. now i just have two 10,000 word essays and one 8,000 word philosophy of management essay to complete by Tuesday and then Friday respectively.
part of my mind doesn't quite know what it did to deserve this...but the other side is super excited to be able to do this, prove i can do this, and then freak out like a little spazzmatoid when its all over.
yeaaa for having goals and freakin' achiiiieving them!! yaaay prefrontal cortex!!! yaaaay!

quite right.
so im insanely busy right now. i just wrote seven 8,000 word essays in six weeks. now i just have two 10,000 word essays and one 8,000 word philosophy of management essay to complete by Tuesday and then Friday respectively.

part of my mind doesn't quite know what it did to deserve this...but the other side is super excited to be able to do this, prove i can do this, and then freak out like a little spazzmatoid when its all over.
yeaaa for having goals and freakin' achiiiieving them!! yaaay prefrontal cortex!!! yaaaay!

I have my entire life story posted on the web... 75+ pages, 500+ photos. If you can ever talk me into giving you the address, you'd have your hands full getting to know someone you don't know. What a psych project it would be!
[Edited on Nov 03, 2005 4:32PM]
[Edited on Nov 03, 2005 4:35PM]
I love how Temper actually noticed what I said too and came back to say something.
The only reason your comment came off sexual was because you threw in a smiley face, haha. But I'm totally up for talking sometime, I'd love to.
Just IM me sometime.