Well this weekend was packed, more then usual.
Friday, I made dinner for my group and preformed a ritual, which was alot of fun(except for the part where I nicked myself with the sissors). Then went home to hang out with Rob.
Saturday night, I hit my mum's place, before going out to the fet, which was amusing, as always, skipped over to Savage and came back to stand outside the fet, talking to a very old friend.
Sunday, after only getting 4hrs of sleep, I hit the EX with two old friends and thier kids. Then came home and passed out from exhaustion.
there was my weekend, in a nutshell. Hope you all had a good one.
Friday, I made dinner for my group and preformed a ritual, which was alot of fun(except for the part where I nicked myself with the sissors). Then went home to hang out with Rob.
Saturday night, I hit my mum's place, before going out to the fet, which was amusing, as always, skipped over to Savage and came back to stand outside the fet, talking to a very old friend.
Sunday, after only getting 4hrs of sleep, I hit the EX with two old friends and thier kids. Then came home and passed out from exhaustion.
there was my weekend, in a nutshell. Hope you all had a good one.