Tuesday Jun 21, 2005 Jun 21, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Interesting that the day after I join...He gets "zotted"....Very odd indeed. I wonder what he did to deserve this. VIEW 8 of 8 COMMENTS stealth_moose: There will be photographs, no worries. It looks so neat, I'm so very pleased Jun 21, 2005 stealth_moose: It depends on how you heal, but it is a predictable thing. and prices are comparable to tattoos, at least mine is, since it is a large piece. If you posess the msn I can show it to you, webcam is only option till pictures are developed. Jun 21, 2005
It looks so neat, I'm so very pleased
If you posess the msn I can show it to you, webcam is only option till pictures are developed.