Today, dear friends, I have decided to preach the word.
Now, it's not what you think.
I'm a big geek. That being said I would like you all, even those of you who are not fans of the tv, to just give a listen...ok well, a read.
I have some DVD sets of some cancelled shows that did not get the chance they deserved.
It is rare to find shows on TV that are of even of moderate quality, let alone, outstanding.
The shows I would like to tell you about are called Firefly & Wonderfalls.
I recommend them both highly.
Firefly is basically a Space Western; Sci Fi, with a twist. It follows the adventures, well, MISadventures of a group of folks who roam the stars trying to find legit work, and usually falling in with the wrong crowd. It was the brainchild of Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy and Angel. It was cleverly written, well acted, and beautifully designed.
The reason I bring this show up is that I have found my geek niche, if you will, in drumming up support for the feature film that has been produced, based on the show. Entitled Serenity, the name of the Firefly-class ship the tool around in, it picks up where the series left off, but is totally accessible to the uninitiated. I had the good fortune of seeing the sneak preview in June and was duly impressed. And not just as a fan, but as a movie goer, I found myself way pleased.
You should all go see it. I have yet to meet anyone who didnt enjoy the show. And the movie is quite spectacular. Plus, I think Joss Whedon is a writer worth patronizing in our own comtemporary American way, you know?
Wonderfalls was produced by Tim Minnear, who co-produced Angel & Firefly. Its on dvd as well. It was a great show, which, like Firefly, was not supported by those stupid heads at Fox. Its about a girl named Jaye, who has a degree in philosophy, who is being talked to by inanimate animals, starting with one of those cool little wax lions like you get at the zoo.mayhem ensues. AND Carolyn Dhavernas, the woman who plays Jaye, is HOT. And Funny. Super great show, and its theme song was written and performed by Andy Partridge of XTC
Anyhoo, I recommend these because they are good and fun and entertaining.
Just sayin is all.

hi. i got your email. thakyou.
well then you don't get out much.