So, I metioned in an earlier journal about the cafe I hang out at getting assaulted on a semi regular basis by super soakers, squid, and eggs....
Well, tonight, about 20 minutes ago, it happened again.
This time, someone actually got hit.
This girl wa sitting there, minding her own business, chatting with a friend on her cel, when POW! an egg nailed her.
She got hit, but good. Poor thing.
Nobody saw the car, just the aftermath.
God bless her, she was able to laugh it off a little later, but still, shit, that is just not cool.
I'm all for hijinx. All for hilarity, but egging a place? really? I ask you, who eggs place?
What sucks is that they just keep getting away with it.
Now, I'm not condoning any ass-hattery, the kind I meantioned in my previous journal on this subject, but why do these ass hamsters do it? I don't understand. It's just so....bro-like....
It was moments like the one earlier whe I wish I had super powers, maybe catch them and hold them for the police as a good costumed crime fighter would....
f-in' people. sometimes i think the world would be better without them and their shittiness...

later taters

yeah, humanity is a bit of an issue.....