dressed in black laying in the green grass at helmholtzplatz...between couples and families and a dozen pretty girls...reading and writing beneath the blue sky... the air smells of coffee, sweet pickles and dogs...squinting into the sky i can see the contrails of a four engined jet...perhaps flying at the exact altitude of the allied bombers that ravaged this city sixty years ago... and now i am home and just received a call cancelling my date with a pretty one this afternoon...drat and double drat...i need a kiss...
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Saturday Aug 19, 2006
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Saturday Aug 12, 2006
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Monday Aug 07, 2006
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Friday Jul 21, 2006
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Wednesday Jul 05, 2006
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Monday Jun 19, 2006
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Thursday Jun 08, 2006
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Wednesday Jun 07, 2006
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Friday Jun 02, 2006
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