Salvation is at hand! WDR is showing Fritz Lang's masterwork M, with Peter Lorre as serial child killer Hans Beckert. Loosely based on the Peter Kurten Case. Kurten, known as the Vampire of Dsseldorf terrorized the city in 1929 - commiting a series of murders and sex crimes. Lang's film is a groundbreaking work combining film noir, expressionism and psychological horror. It was also Lang's first use of sound and legend has it that it accelerated his leaving Germany as the nazi's came to power...Goebbels actually used Lorre's final speech before the underworld tribunal (in which he argues his innocence by reason of insanity with memorable lines "who knows what it is like to be me?") in the propaganda film "The Eternal Jew" as "proof" that Jews exemplify innate criminality, and refuse to take responsibility for their wrongdoings. Even after 75 years, 'M' is still a taut thriller and testimony to Lang's talents as a writer (along with Thea von Harbou) and director.
Your comment made me spill Krmeltee all over the keyboard. Happy now?