on a cold winter's night

what could be better than to curl up with some kitties, a hot cup of tea and a dense text on the interstices and intersections of the high priest of nihilism and the origins of romanian fascism....
vielen dank! der ist nach einer zeichnung von camille rose garcia. eine meiner lieblings knstlerinnen. musst du mal googeln, falls du die nicht schon kennst.
time to move! i am looking for apartments as my sublet is up at the end of april. it is always interesting to see various living quarters around town and the nests that people make for themselves...
puh...show. Seit meiner Diplomshow im Juli organisiert ja niemand anders mehr, da msst ichs ja selber machen! biggrin Echt, die organisation fr das is ein mammut-projekt, klar kann mans machen, aber davor msste folgendes passieren:
1. new collection with a large number of items with a durchgngige theme
2. the fucking website needs to get done.
3. The online shop needs to get done.

As soon as thats the case, you sg-people will be the first to know!
back in berlin - the city is dark and cold. so i am keeping warm in the prescribed fashion!
Ein bisschen wrmer... und viel sonniger! biggrin es fabelhaft!!!
Hehe, you're always so wise! wink
Berlin is echt nicht so gemtlich grade...minus 12 nachts! mad Aber weisste ja selber.
globalization means listening to Frankie Goes to Hollywood on the radion in the taxi back to Tel Aviv's Ben-Gurion Airport...
i am in israel for business. yesterday i went to jerusalem to the see the western wall of the second temple of the jews - two thousand years old. as well as the church of the sepulcher - built upon golgotha where christ was crucified. i touched the stone where the cross was erected as well as the stone upon which his corpse was washed....
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sitting around with antje waiting for her member account to start working!
wish you a happy new year!
and thx for the congrats...psst... now the first wedding pics are onwink
returning to the Haupstadt later this afternoon....steeling myself for snow and darkness. this brief vacation back in the Great Satan has been enjoyable but emotionally overwhelming...how densely can memories be packed into a single landscape...at times it feels like leaving all over again... i will be glad to get back to the kitties and the obscure simplicity of the mundane
Ebenso! miao!! Und willkommen zurck.
Hehe, I aim to please.
after a few false starts (delayed flights, missed connections) i am back in the USA.... first impression - everything here is so large - the people, the cars, the appetites, the hype... not being a size queen - to me it all seems quite odd and compulsive... but it s nice to see friends and family...hard to believe i haven't seen most of these folks...
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leaving on a jet plane, back to the belly of the beast. to see friends and family in the US...
welcome smile
i am watching tim burton's 'the nightmare before christmas' in german - just to get in the mood for my trip back to the US for the holidays...