i've been in a distant orbit...
it has been a hectic few weeks. traveling all over the place for work. and it continues - tomorrow hamburg, tuesday dsseldorf and more cities to follow. it is like being a rock star, minus the money, the fame, the drugs and the chicks...and the music....
but happily i am back in berlin almost every night, curling up with my kitties....
but happily i am back in berlin almost every night, curling up with my kitties....
traveling is rad!!! I wish I had the money and time to do so.
thanks for your comment.I am getting better but am still the same
thanks for your comment.I am getting better but am still the same

I work in toxicology at the moment.
oh happy new year boys and girls...hope you all made it safely back into your holes!
thanks for your words.
i will think about it and take as much as time as I need.
but good to hear things worked out a little with your father.
i will think about it and take as much as time as I need.
but good to hear things worked out a little with your father.
monday night
in the dark sky thin clouds
snagged on a crooked moon,
the organ grinder on ackerstrasse
plays not noticing
that no one listens.
a thick necked man holds a saw
behind him
a banner hung on the fence
'Weinachtsbume 9.99".
the air full of pine, spruce and dreams.
beneath the Monbijoubrcke
the river runs black.
in the dark sky thin clouds
snagged on a crooked moon,
the organ grinder on ackerstrasse
plays not noticing
that no one listens.
a thick necked man holds a saw
behind him
a banner hung on the fence
'Weinachtsbume 9.99".
the air full of pine, spruce and dreams.
beneath the Monbijoubrcke
the river runs black.
what tha fuck is polonium 210???
mh yes i think i heard of it in connection with the illuminati triology....

ein schnes Gedicht von Gottfried Benn.....
Schne Jugend
Der Mund eines Mdchens,
das lange im Schilf gelegen hatte,
sah so angeknabbert aus.
Als man die Brust aufbrach,
war die Speiserhre so lcherig.
Schlielich in einer Laube unter dem Zwerchfell
fand man ein Nest von jungen Ratten.
Ein kleines Schwesterchen lag tot.
Die andern lebten von Leber und Niere,
tranken das kalte Blut und hatten
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Schne Jugend
Der Mund eines Mdchens,
das lange im Schilf gelegen hatte,
sah so angeknabbert aus.
Als man die Brust aufbrach,
war die Speiserhre so lcherig.
Schlielich in einer Laube unter dem Zwerchfell
fand man ein Nest von jungen Ratten.
Ein kleines Schwesterchen lag tot.
Die andern lebten von Leber und Niere,
tranken das kalte Blut und hatten
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och gott das ist ja grausam das gedicht

dankeschn! alles fein beid dir ?

wooo hoooo!
happy late halloween to you too......!
happy late halloween to you too......!
A sadist, a masochist, a murderer, a necrophile, a zoophile and a pyromaniac are all sitting on a bench in a mental institution, bored out of their minds.
"How about having sex with a cat?" asked the zoophile.
"Let's have sex with the cat and then torture it," says the sadist.
"Let's have sex with the cat, torture it and then kill it," shouted the...
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"How about having sex with a cat?" asked the zoophile.
"Let's have sex with the cat and then torture it," says the sadist.
"Let's have sex with the cat, torture it and then kill it," shouted the...
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back from SF - the trip was a travellers nightmare, that i don't even want to start to get into since i am still pissed about it... didn't have much free time in SF but was able to make it to Alcatraz. Nothing like the cruelty, isolation and misery which haunts a maximum security facility to cheer me right up. Also had a tasty italian...
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i will ...i will!!!
and i want it now!
and i want it now!


berlin wr natrlich toll. ich lass es dich wissen, sobald dort ein auftritt in planung ist.
i am off to san francisco for a week for the job... i am hoping to escape the confines of the my occupation and find some interesting divertisements in the city by the bay....never been there before so it should be somewhat interesting...perhaps someone around here might have a few pointers to locations of interest...beyond Alcatraz...
today's marks the second anniversary of my leaving the US and moving here to Babylon by the Spree....

thank you! but i don't want to be sweet

returning tonight to faust's metropolis, arriving sunday morning. leaving friends and family is always difficult even when i am missing my kitties and lovelies in berlin. if home is where the heart is...then my heart is fractured and drifting across several cities and landscapes, like the dust from a dying hurricane
i'd say hurricanes yield more debris than dust, considering all the rain.
i am back in the US for a week visiting family and friends....nice to see my lovelies but i can still feel the same revulsion to this society....