It has been quiet on the CAM scene but between 5:45 and 6:10 there were 7 lovely ladies on CAM: alessagoreng, luanainsana, mar, vegandemon, yessika @ 5:45 p.m. at 6:10 add belladonna, irismile,


It is 10:15 p.m. on the West Coast and the time shows that it is not always easy to predict when ladies will go live on CAM as right now their are 6 live: alessagoreng, belladonna, honeyhotfoxy, jhosi, vegandemon, zeira


I don't usually check SG at night, but here at 10:30 Pacific, there are 6 ladies live: lilyrosse, luanainsana, pandora, starry, thaisrosales, zeira


It is a bright sunny day on the West Coast and there are 6 ladies live at 3:30 p.m.: helainked, luanainsana, neferr, polvodeestrellas, sprite, zarya



It is a sunny windy day on the West Coast and at 3:30 p.m. there were 7 ladies live: helainked, kahot, polvodees, psyloflower, psylunar, witchie, zaraya. Delightful as always ladies, delightful!