Usually weekends are quiet on SG, but at 10 p.m. Pacific, there were 6 ladies live on CAM: alessagoreng, luanainsana, nandaroxy, starry, vegandemon, zarya
I tried something different today. My computer was on and I checked back at different times and came up with 12 ladies on CAM. Beside the names, you will find the time they were on CAM Pacific time:
jhosi, kahot, luanainsana, peggolive!, trixwitch, vegandemon 6 @ 10:12 laritxs @ 1:30, polvodeestrellas, , tatink, @ 2:00, lanaisonfire, samms, yessika @ 5:45
Between 1:45 and 3:15 Pacific, the following ladies were on Cam: lanaisonfire, mar, peggolive!, rebel, helainked, loka, luanainsana,