What do you all feel about the new look of SG? I'm curious. Whereas before we had "friends," and a easy list of those we have befriended, now we have "following" and being followed. I can't find any list any more. That seems to be gone or am I not looking in the right place.
As well, before you could look at a whole page of thumbs for new sets for "Hopefuls" and one for "SG" girls. You could maneuver quickly through the list to look at people you are interested in. Now you get bigger thumbnails but when you ask for more, only a few more come up, but if you select one, you are back to the first few sets on the first page and have to add "more" again to get back to where you were. That is, to my mind, not very helpful if you've been away for a week or two and want to browse through the sets you missed to catch up.
After being away for about a week, I found a "what do you think of our new look?" message when I opened the site, but after I looked and wanted to ask questions, I found the message had disappeared. Hum..... I'm puzzled. Am I missing something here?
What do you think?