Ah! Now I see the link. It is on the home page right beside "new pics." Now, however, only the first few "hopeful sets come up. To get to any older ones, you have to use the curser to the right below the pics. I wish there was a way to see a whole page of "hopeful" sets though, just as there are sets that have been selected as then you can see them at a glance. I am not convinced that this is an improvement to layout.....
More Blogs
6 Live on CAM at 5:15 p.m. Pacific
nandaroxy, peggolive!, spirit, valkirie, yessika, zarya The board … -
10 Live on CAM between 9 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. Pacific
Who says the CAMs are not alive! msutopia, lanisonfire, 8:45, ms… -
Things are looking a bit busier!
jhosi, lanisonfire, spirit, zarya at 10 p.m. Pacific -
8 over the last 8 hours
I admit that in the summer there were more ladies on CAM at the sam… -
4 @ 6:20 p.m. Pacific
honeyhotfoxy, nandaroxy,vegandemon, yessika -
5 live at 10:45 p.m. Pacific
lanaisonfire, nandaroxy, peggolive!, vegandemon, zarya -
Late night at 12:40 a.m. Pacific, 5 on CAM:
helainked, lanaisonfire, msutopia, shenzy, zarya -
5 alive at 10:45 p.m. Pacific
lanaisonfire, magnea, peggolive!, vegandemon, zarya -
And now there are 6 live at 1:10 Pacific, what a day!
haub, honeyhotfoxy, lanaisonfire, lerilay, negresca, vithen -
New day starting with 4 live on CAM at 10:40 a.m. Pacific
The board has certainly come alive in the past day. Today started w…