Friday Jul 08, 2005 Jul 8, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email I'm thinking of changing my name to Guywhoworkstoomuchneversleepsandwhoeveryonehates philip savia. That was so hard to do without hitting the space button after every word. VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS belllla: This post made me think of you. I hate being a girl. Cramps can kiss my ass. :menstruation: Jul 12, 2005 dahmer: Glad your ID problem got solved. Saved you a ton of trouble (and bus riding!). Dude, puns are the best fucking jokes in the world, and I don't care what any one says. Feel no shame for you puns! Jul 14, 2005
I hate being a girl.
Cramps can kiss my ass.
Dude, puns are the best fucking jokes in the world, and I don't care what any one says. Feel no shame for you puns!