Uh oh, got another big one for ya!
First, Jak 2 kicks ASS, I wish I had gotten it sooner, but I really don't like spending so damn much for video games.
Second, I've decided to listen to all my cds, in alphabetical order. Excluding my spoken word stuff, which because of Jello Biafra and J.R.R. Tolkien, counts for at least 50 of them.
Off of that, I have decided I need more ACDC, they have the most perfect sounding guitars in the universe, the beginning of Hell's Bells makes me cream my jeans. Altamont also kicks ass! Dale may be a friggin animal cave man mother fucker when it comes to drumming for the Melvins, but he's also a sick guitar player and has a fucking awesome voice. His voice can do the total Buzzo groan but he's got some much more range and it has a great, blues sound to it at times.
Thirdly, the Shrike has got to be one of the greatest monsters ever written. I read the Hyperion books in high school but it has been amazing reading them now, picking up on so much of the more subtle stuff in them and reading about the Shrike. God, I wish I could make these things into movies, it would be so mind numbingly amazing to see the Shrike up on the big screen. A 3 meter(about 9 feet) tall, four armed, jet black and chrome monster covered in spikes from head to toe with crimson eyes the color of blood who can move the time at hyper fast speeds.
I kinda wanna read John Irving's A Widow for One Year or Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon, but because I've been so immersed in the Hyperion books, I think I'm gonna take a break and go for some smaller, if not neccessarily lighter fare.
Fourth, I have part two of the Financial Management class for work tomorrow and I gotta study and do homework tonight, can't wait
I've really enjoyed actually taking these classes, but I just kinda wanna go back to the ordering classes and shit.
Fifth, Independent, the music store my friend Rob work's at had a used copy of Nomeansno's Wrong, I almost hugged him! Their stuff is almost impossible to find in the states right now and all the Alternative Tentacles releases are out of print. This is widely regarded as their best album(it's my second, but One is the one were I truly fell in love with them), Idjiit even started a thread on the music boards with the album zipped on it. I download music, but I do it to see about a band or to have something from a band I can't find albums by or for rare stuff. And I have to say, having this album, coffee stained liner notes and all, it's so much better than it was burned to a disc from the comp!
Ok, that's it.

First, Jak 2 kicks ASS, I wish I had gotten it sooner, but I really don't like spending so damn much for video games.
Second, I've decided to listen to all my cds, in alphabetical order. Excluding my spoken word stuff, which because of Jello Biafra and J.R.R. Tolkien, counts for at least 50 of them.
Off of that, I have decided I need more ACDC, they have the most perfect sounding guitars in the universe, the beginning of Hell's Bells makes me cream my jeans. Altamont also kicks ass! Dale may be a friggin animal cave man mother fucker when it comes to drumming for the Melvins, but he's also a sick guitar player and has a fucking awesome voice. His voice can do the total Buzzo groan but he's got some much more range and it has a great, blues sound to it at times.
Thirdly, the Shrike has got to be one of the greatest monsters ever written. I read the Hyperion books in high school but it has been amazing reading them now, picking up on so much of the more subtle stuff in them and reading about the Shrike. God, I wish I could make these things into movies, it would be so mind numbingly amazing to see the Shrike up on the big screen. A 3 meter(about 9 feet) tall, four armed, jet black and chrome monster covered in spikes from head to toe with crimson eyes the color of blood who can move the time at hyper fast speeds.
I kinda wanna read John Irving's A Widow for One Year or Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon, but because I've been so immersed in the Hyperion books, I think I'm gonna take a break and go for some smaller, if not neccessarily lighter fare.
Fourth, I have part two of the Financial Management class for work tomorrow and I gotta study and do homework tonight, can't wait

Fifth, Independent, the music store my friend Rob work's at had a used copy of Nomeansno's Wrong, I almost hugged him! Their stuff is almost impossible to find in the states right now and all the Alternative Tentacles releases are out of print. This is widely regarded as their best album(it's my second, but One is the one were I truly fell in love with them), Idjiit even started a thread on the music boards with the album zipped on it. I download music, but I do it to see about a band or to have something from a band I can't find albums by or for rare stuff. And I have to say, having this album, coffee stained liner notes and all, it's so much better than it was burned to a disc from the comp!
Ok, that's it.

Good thing he has my approval.