Well, further proof of the suckatude of icp, they played two soldout shows at the ogden friday and saturday night, and surprise surprise, thee damn kids wrecked that entire block. Fortunately, they will probably never be allowed to play Denver again.
Unfortunately, one of my coworkers didn't get fired like he was supposed to, fortunately, my manager's ready to kill him so she want's every complaint to go to her or corporate so we can get rid of him.
Although I missed Social D on friday, there are tons of shows coming up that I wanna go to, so hopefully I'll be able to make it to them. I'm tired of all these damn great bands coming and my not seeing them.
Ok, thats it.
Unfortunately, one of my coworkers didn't get fired like he was supposed to, fortunately, my manager's ready to kill him so she want's every complaint to go to her or corporate so we can get rid of him.
Although I missed Social D on friday, there are tons of shows coming up that I wanna go to, so hopefully I'll be able to make it to them. I'm tired of all these damn great bands coming and my not seeing them.
Ok, thats it.

WhoDoVoodooWeDo??? (fuck you!)
WhoDoVoodooWeDo??? (fuck you!)
WhoDoVoodooWeDo??? (fuck you!)
Sorry . . . just excited for the show on Wednesday. Do you know how much I LOVE this week?? I am so stoked for the short week, VGS, last week at WF CELEBRATION!! Now hurry up and get off work and come home!!
♥ ♥ ♥
And your 200th mentioned me! ♥
I love you, Punk Dood.