GAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! I wanted to update this last night just to see what kinda crazy shite i'd write being as fucked up as I was. Last night was the most fun I've had in months, friggin rocked, and I don't even like ska that much! Went and saw Voodoo Glow Skulls, who Elizabeth and Christie(her best friend) have been friends for 10 years, so I was like, cool, free show with cool people. I lost my wallet a few weeks ago, so I had no id, so I couldn't go upstairs, stupid segragated all ages shows, makes me miss DC, so I couldn't hang out with the cool kids that much until the show was over, but its all good, I got to see some really kick ass bands. Los Kung Fu Monkeys were fucking awesome, WAY too many people for one band, two singers, a guitarist(who didn't use a pic(a cool surprise since I couldn't tell until the second or third to last song)), a bassist, a saxophonist, a trombonist(i think that's what they're called), a drummer, and a keyboard player, all from tijuana, playing cool ska punk shit with more energy than our dog peeing all over everything(which he does recklessly and with wild abandon). And then Pistol Grip, I've been needed new punk that doesn't suck for a long while, and I've finally found some! I only wish I could've better understood the singer, had a cool voice, just couldn't tell what he was saying. And Voodoo, they were fucking cool, tons of energy and fun just playing like wild, and all totally fucking cool guys. Still don't understand the point of a horn section in a band, but I can't say I don't like any bands that use them. Anyway, I'm seeing my friends around here a bit more, thats always fun, now if we can all just start hanging out, but we've all got crazy fucking hours. I'm looking for a new job, just not hard enough, but i ain't fucking around, I want something different. Damn, I gotta piss and I don't have much else to say, so, I love you all, especially YOU!

See?? Two can play that game!