Shit, I never know how to start these damned things, but here's an attempt... The last few days have been pretty interesting, I had to close at my job wednesday, which always sucks. Ok, the bathrooms at my job are locked and I have to go back to the bathroom and personally unlock it for each customer who need to take a piss or dump or shoot up or shower or whatever(they aren't supposed to do the last three, but sadly, they do). Also, right in front of the bathrooms is a sign saying no merchandise beyond this point and right below that it says restrooms are locked please see sales associate for assistance, no one EVER reads that last part, ever. Having to deal with this shit is the worst part of my job(except for the security guy(more on him later)). Sometimes, when i'm having a bad day, unfortunately I am a lil rude about the sign and I always feel guilty about being a jerk to people because that is absolutely not who I am(I hope). Well, this happened the other day and I felt really terrible about it, I mean horrible; later on, the people I was rude to, actually came up to me and confronted me about it and I told them that I was terribly sorry and felt like shit right after I said it and they seemed cool about it so thats neat cause some dicks just won't accept apologies and are just looking to start shit. From now on I'm not gonna do that shit anymore, I hate that side of me and its really not who I am.
Ok, next up, at my job, because more than 70% of theft in this company is internal, whenever an employ leaves the store they have to "check out" with either a manager or a head cashier, which eats at my liberal sensibilities but at the same time seems totally understandable to me. If you bring in something that the store sells you have to have the reciept with it, makes sense, however, for some stupid reason, you're not aloud to bring in disc/walkman headphones, etc, even with the reciept. Now, I walk either to or from work everyday, its at least twenty blocks, almost a mile, I like having my music when I walk since I can't read or write or watch a movie whilst I walk(obviously). Now the "loss prevention manager" is a former cop and total pig, he's on the younger side of middle age, white, biggoted against younger people, black people, youger black people, damn dirt hippies, punks, nonnormal people, homeless people, just about everyone who isn't like him. He has a problem with me because i don't fit his stereotypes, I had long hair until a week ago *sniff*, I wore weird band tshirts, yet I work my ass off(one of the three or four hardest workers at my job) and know my job backwards and forwards. Oh, also, he quit about a month after I started my job and didn't show up for his last 4 days and didn't train his replacement(a very cool guy, if a lil piggish) and he was just aloud to come back, no harm no foul a couple months ago like nothing happened and be his old piggish self. Anyway, I avoid having him check me out just on principal, but the times he has he hasn't asked to see the front pocket of my back pack where I keep my discman, suddenly, yesterday, he does. He asks about it, when I bought it, why I bring it, etc, etc, I show him the receipt, I tell him I walk(he says thats not his problem ), I tell him, alright, I won't bring it anymore and HE KEEPS TELLING ME NOT TO BRING IT!! I'm a grown fucking man, not a five year old, you do not have to repeat shit to me, tell me once and i will do it, I did everything I could not to loose my mind at the bastard! And I know he's gonna say some shit to me the next time he checks me out or sees me or whatever, god I had people sometimes. Anyway, I hate a lot of shit about my job, I can't wait to start another one
Ok, thats it, I'm done
Ok, next up, at my job, because more than 70% of theft in this company is internal, whenever an employ leaves the store they have to "check out" with either a manager or a head cashier, which eats at my liberal sensibilities but at the same time seems totally understandable to me. If you bring in something that the store sells you have to have the reciept with it, makes sense, however, for some stupid reason, you're not aloud to bring in disc/walkman headphones, etc, even with the reciept. Now, I walk either to or from work everyday, its at least twenty blocks, almost a mile, I like having my music when I walk since I can't read or write or watch a movie whilst I walk(obviously). Now the "loss prevention manager" is a former cop and total pig, he's on the younger side of middle age, white, biggoted against younger people, black people, youger black people, damn dirt hippies, punks, nonnormal people, homeless people, just about everyone who isn't like him. He has a problem with me because i don't fit his stereotypes, I had long hair until a week ago *sniff*, I wore weird band tshirts, yet I work my ass off(one of the three or four hardest workers at my job) and know my job backwards and forwards. Oh, also, he quit about a month after I started my job and didn't show up for his last 4 days and didn't train his replacement(a very cool guy, if a lil piggish) and he was just aloud to come back, no harm no foul a couple months ago like nothing happened and be his old piggish self. Anyway, I avoid having him check me out just on principal, but the times he has he hasn't asked to see the front pocket of my back pack where I keep my discman, suddenly, yesterday, he does. He asks about it, when I bought it, why I bring it, etc, etc, I show him the receipt, I tell him I walk(he says thats not his problem ), I tell him, alright, I won't bring it anymore and HE KEEPS TELLING ME NOT TO BRING IT!! I'm a grown fucking man, not a five year old, you do not have to repeat shit to me, tell me once and i will do it, I did everything I could not to loose my mind at the bastard! And I know he's gonna say some shit to me the next time he checks me out or sees me or whatever, god I had people sometimes. Anyway, I hate a lot of shit about my job, I can't wait to start another one
Ok, thats it, I'm done
talk about sucky!
where do you work? should i come down there and be a difficult customer with this guy?