Ok, well, here we go, my first REAL journal entry on good ol' SG. As you can tell from reading my profile, i live in glorious downtown Denver, I love it here. I also work here, on the 16th street mall, in a store that sells video games, music, movies, books, and all the stuff that goes along w' that shtuff; I work in the books department, the basement, like a troll, I'm the main book's troll. For the most part, I love my job, most of my coworkers, even some of my managers, well, the ones they haven't let go for budgetary reasons. They recently laid off two of the coolest people at the job, including my and the music departments' manager, one of my best friends in Denver. Meanwhile, the token job they offered him in Littlefun is going to a kiss ass at my store; and the store security pig's job is completely secure, even tho since he's come back(another story in it self) our theft has sky rocketed, to the point where two of our demo game systems where stolen, not an easy nor quick task I might add. Anyway, on top of all this, the books are now being handled directly by a book distributor instead of thru our company's warehouse, which means that all the books at the warehouse are being shipped to the stores as bargain books, no matter how new. This means that every delivery day(today for instance) books has, by far, the biggest weekly shipments and I have to put them away on my own, with an elevator that doesn't work, so i have to take them down stairs one at a time, I get yelled at for doing this. I no longer like my job. I am now looking for a new job, god i hope i find one, soon. Oh well, I feel like a whiny bitch so i'll leave it at that for now. Yay me.


best of luck on the job search - that's almost as bad as a shitty job... lol

my feet are DAMN COLD. i'd give my tits for some fire wood.