So I finally have posted my picture. It took me a while. All my digital pics are insanely oversized so i gotta figure out what the shit is up with my files and camera and they are saving so large. In case you are wondering that picture is seriously me and as you can see I am in short short and other stupid shit next to a princes leiyah cut out which is my friend's. This is the splashpage which my friend made for me when I wanted to post my own websit but it never worked out. lucklily i managed to put the pic to good use.
More Blogs
Monday Nov 28, 2005
symmester almost over, can't wait! no snow in edmonton yet, but I he… -
Wednesday Nov 16, 2005
I have discovered the technological feat that is the ipod. i bought … -
Friday Nov 11, 2005
20 things about myself: turn ons: socks with holes in them, peop… -
Thursday Oct 27, 2005
going to see metric tonight. fuck yeah. must chage the picture fuck… -
Sunday Oct 23, 2005
i must replace this picture. as one of my friends, well one of two, … -
Saturday Oct 15, 2005
so a night of testosterone filled poker playing with the fellow gradu… -
Friday Oct 14, 2005
Although the resolution sucks. this here is my hair in my waste bask… -
Friday Oct 14, 2005
yes getting used to real life. hmmm the joys. cerebrally stimulatin… -
Saturday Oct 08, 2005
JEEEEEEEZUS! Arcade Fire rules. I know this entry is late- but what … -
Wednesday Sep 28, 2005
mmm nighty night kids, had half a bottle of wine and a beer and since…
Oh yeah...nice shorts mate.