not too much happening right now, which makes it hard to update. I go to work, do what i gotta do while all teh important folks are hanging around and by 5:30 99% of them are all gone. So slip into a chill mode do the patrols but I dont have to worry about anything cause I'm in charge. every once in a blue moon someone gets mouthy or wants to fuck around and be a smart ass but not enough that it keeps things really busy ya know. One of the best parts is I gets to chat on the phone all night and not worry too much about being bitched at for it cause I am teh one in charge, Keep in mind I let the other guy do the same, as long as it doesnt interfer with patrols no biggie. Tonights convo was great, several different subjects and quite a few different opinions. Heated just enough to be very interesting but not arguementative, with Good points coming from both sides. All in all it was and excellent conversation although I did get kinda slammed for asking a question and a split second after I heard the response I retorted with the opposite response as if it were the only possible correct answer hehe well yeah I shoulda waited for the explination and i wouldnt have been caught with my foot in my mouth which has happened a couple times now lol