I'm not really big on the whole holiday thing and all, I just wish it would end already. I like being with family and all that but Christmas has become just another day to me. In light of all this though I do feel like a little kid waiting for christmas morning to arrive. For me that is in three days when I will be receiving a gift to myself. One I have waited very patiently for. Her name is Sasha, she is slim with beautiful curves in all the right places. She is peaceful yet mean and gets her point across with no bullshit, all of this she can do without saying a single word.... Dont believe me??? take a look for yourself
yes she will sleep next to me, in the night stand though, next to the bed. Next will be my sign that reads "Intruders beware, Dont mind the dog, Owner has assortment of Big Caliber Hand Guns"

yes she will sleep next to me, in the night stand though, next to the bed. Next will be my sign that reads "Intruders beware, Dont mind the dog, Owner has assortment of Big Caliber Hand Guns"

When did you become my husband?

sometimes you need to splurge a little ...