DAMN WHAT A FUCKING NIGHT!!!!!! So I leave to go visit the party at Rae's place and I get a call from my partner about a couple drunks fucking around in our AO (Area of Operations). So I head back. 20 minutes have gone by since the time I left and the time I make it back, hes told them twice to leave and they kept fucking around. So I get back and try to figure out what the fuck is going on, and the one guy said he had lost his wallet and was looking for it. Yeah right your walking and your wallet happens to jump out of your pocket. Next thing you know theres a struggle with my partner and the other guy (the drunk had grabbed him, intentions unknown to us) so he put him in a head lock and brought him down. the guy i was talking too headed back towards his buddy and was reaching in his pocket so i grabbed him and put him on the ground and again asked what they were doing there. His story changed, now they were looking for his cell phone. We searched them and found no weapons so had to release them. I seperated the two explained they needed to stop with the hand gestures and keep their distance. The man who had lost his wallet and then said it was his cell phone gets a call on his supposedly lost cell phone from a friend who told him his wallet was at home. With that he started appologizing and they were on there way. My partner and I did a patrol and when we came back they were outside the gate demanding to see our commanding officer and were on the phone with LBPD, so we made our phone call to our higher ups and then too LBPD to verify something had happened and to go ahead and send a unit. They wanted to file a report for assault and battery and damage to property since the guy claimed we broke his camera. This after they left went to the Executive Suite Night Club and got kicked out of there for being drunk. So they already left and now came back trying to say we fucked up the camera. So about 2 hours go by and LBPD show up and basicly tell them the same thing we did and that what we are there for and what we did was not nearly as bad as what could have happened. The two left, the one that was calm the whole time and who owned the camera was cool but the other guy was PISSED. He was trying to say my partners career was over and that his daddy was a lawyer and we were fucked, but in the end when we send up our severe incident report and that gets put into the federal system and printed out and sent to all the law enforcement and military (which they do Daily) they are going to realize how much of an ass they made of themselves. And then last but not least the time rolled back so we had an extra hour on shift, and on monday we have to do our sworn statements. Stoopid bastards, no i have to do paperwork, i hate paperwork.
this is why some people should have no reproductive organs.