so things are good I guess, Still hate school but I'm doing rather well, A and 2 B's I think as it stands now.
Been doing a lot of work on the boat and fixing all the shit that was wrong with it, finally have it just about dialed in, one more run which should get done this week and the timing will be locked...
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Been doing a lot of work on the boat and fixing all the shit that was wrong with it, finally have it just about dialed in, one more run which should get done this week and the timing will be locked...
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welcome back

thank you thank you.
ok So I did the math wrong and I still have one month left here on SG...
so anyway nothing new really going on, Mid-terms are done and I feel pretty good about them. I'm on spring break right now as well
so anyway nothing new really going on, Mid-terms are done and I feel pretty good about them. I'm on spring break right now as well
So I'm in my last couple days of my 3 month comp'd account and I wont be paying to keep it if you wish to get a hold of me you can find me on facebook and myspace.
so after going thru the carbs on the boat and cleaning them out real good (it was apparent that they were untouched when they guy...
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so after going thru the carbs on the boat and cleaning them out real good (it was apparent that they were untouched when they guy...
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Good luck with the boat.
I'll watch for updates on river dave's place.

So yesterday I hooked up the boat to take it out to the lake and do some test and tune on it. I went over to my buddies house and decided to do a little wrenchin there just to check some basics like spark plug gap rocker lash etc... well first thing we noticed is the spark plug gap was way off (this coming back...
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I've seen many schiada's pulling hard with twin turbo setups in ski racing.
Did Lee restore the boat?
Did Lee restore the boat?
You're looking more like your dad every time I see you.
That's a good thing.
That's a good thing.

I found my jacket that I thought I had lost or left at the cleaners 3 years ago, best part is there was 40 bucks in the pocket
Beer money. Excellent.
I've been trying to upload a video on here and its not working so far. Nothing fancy but I couldnt help but video my cat playing with a mouse. He's been catching mice and lizards lately and keeps them alive as long as possible to play with them. Eventually they end up dying but he also likes to bring them in the house from time...
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Finally the boat races make it out here to a very close venue and I am free this weekend to go. 27-28 MAR at Puddingstone in San Dimas. its been years since I've been around to watch these races and usually have to go to Parker Az to watch.
These particular boats pictured are known as K boats and are Blown Alcohol Injected flat bottom...
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These particular boats pictured are known as K boats and are Blown Alcohol Injected flat bottom...
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just wanted to say it was awesome hanging out at tiki & mission, cya in april if you're around!
What the hell kind of gun puts that kind of hole in bullet proof glass!?!?!?!?!? skip to 2:50 for the action....
It was Great getting out last night and seeing some familiar faces. It was just a great meeting some new people as well. Looks like I will try to make my way out to Taco Tuesday for some dollar tacos.

Good seeing you too brother.
It was great to see you too! xo
So I just realized I have been a member of SG for just over 7 years

So how is school treating you?
I have to keep rereading what I wrote about school for people to say it sucks. It is ok - I am done with winter quarter and have spring starting in a week! I know what you mean, I never feel like I am going to catch up then it is over and done with. We only have 10 weeks so it is harder to pussyfoot around.
I think I might see you at the Tiki Ti tonight! I need to get out of the house!
I think I might see you at the Tiki Ti tonight! I need to get out of the house!