I've been sleeping lately...which is a rarity in my world. My average is about 4 and a half hours a night. I usually toss and turn and get to the very gate of sleepdom just to get sucked back to conciousness over and over again. Eventually, I just succumb to getting up. Howeverrr, since my best friend's wedding, I've been snoozin like a champ for the past 5 days. Like 8-10 hours...real talk. I wonder if it's temporary but I've been rollin with it....until this morning!! I woke up way early, drank some water, hit my bong and went back to sleep. I woke up a couple hours later from the most real as fuck nightmare I've had in awhile. Is this payback from indulging in sleep??

AND NOW.....Here's somethin that will really give you nightmares...muuuuhahahahhah

AND NOW.....Here's somethin that will really give you nightmares...muuuuhahahahhah

I've never had nightmares when smoking before bed, but I've had some of the strangest dreams.