trucks broke down again. thought it was fixed...but now the fuel pump is out. too broke to get it fixed now. gotta pull off a kids birthday for two daughters,\. They want a dance party...karaoke and decorations. I can do that. gonna borrow a bit of jack to cover it but i get a nice check on the 15th. just in time to get some stuff for some people. Work is good i guess. new boss gets in on 12/11. that should be interesting. Might just have a banner month this month though. nice to hve a good month right before the new boss takes over.
More than anything...I miss my baby. We have gotten a bit used to spending more nights together than apart. She said I was spoiling her. In fact, it is me that is getting spoiled. at the least, I am getting used to being with her. I guess you know you love someone when you feel 100 times better when you are with them and never quite at home when you are apart. It's either love or co-dependency or both or ...hell, who cares. She's the best.
Looks like another trip to the bakery is upcoming. We have found a new play place. Let's just say...we get to let it ALLLLL Hang Out.
It's an absolute blast. If you want to know where uninhibited fun in Nashville is...well, we know.
thats it I guess. I'm gonna try to sleep without her again. Funny, I dont get much sleep wth her and I dont get much sleep without her...but with her is much more FUN!!!!
More than anything...I miss my baby. We have gotten a bit used to spending more nights together than apart. She said I was spoiling her. In fact, it is me that is getting spoiled. at the least, I am getting used to being with her. I guess you know you love someone when you feel 100 times better when you are with them and never quite at home when you are apart. It's either love or co-dependency or both or ...hell, who cares. She's the best.
Looks like another trip to the bakery is upcoming. We have found a new play place. Let's just say...we get to let it ALLLLL Hang Out.
thats it I guess. I'm gonna try to sleep without her again. Funny, I dont get much sleep wth her and I dont get much sleep without her...but with her is much more FUN!!!!