No kickball today. Too cold and rainy I guess - they called it off. Practice yesterday was called off too. I took my girls to a father/daughter dance yesterday. It was cool. First chance I have ever had to do that. They had so much fun. The DJ's daughter was maybe 18, long brunette hair, couple of piercing and totally Hot. I had to try...
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No kickball today. Too cold and rainy I guess - they called it off. Practice yesterday was called off too. I took my girls to a father/daughter dance yesterday. It was cool. First chance I have ever had to do that. They had so much fun. The DJ's daughter was maybe 18, long brunette hair, couple of piercing and totally Hot. I had to try...
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one can hld out hope, right?
Oh man, that picture makes me just wanna KICK.
You're WELCOME for the concerts group. Now that it's summer we gotta make sure it gets really active. I'd HATE for it to get deleted from the site!!

You're WELCOME for the concerts group. Now that it's summer we gotta make sure it gets really active. I'd HATE for it to get deleted from the site!!

how cool is that? thanks!!!

Good-bye, my friend
I say with a sigh
My pain and anguish
Uncovered emotions
Our Pasts Diminish
Into the race of time.
But Our Futures are Bright
Yes, I must be Strong
But How do you say farewell
To an internet Friend?
I say with a sigh
My pain and anguish
Uncovered emotions
Our Pasts Diminish
Into the race of time.
But Our Futures are Bright
Yes, I must be Strong
But How do you say farewell
To an internet Friend?
The Godfather of Soul, The Crown King of Funk, The Hardest Working Man in Show Business, The most influencial artist of the 20th Century. Call him what you will. We have lost one of the greatest performers, entertainers and musical geniuses of our time. I saw him live only once. In 1983 at the Volunteer Jam at Municipal Auditorium. It was brilliant. My father used...
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I dont know what it is about Christmas that gets me so wound up. I love kids (mine and others) and the actual day is great. But the pressure and expectations and everything ahead of it just wears me out. Maybe its b/c as soon as I make it through my kids birthdays I am smack dab in the heart of Christmas preperations. Well, its...
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trucks broke down again. thought it was fixed...but now the fuel pump is out. too broke to get it fixed now. gotta pull off a kids birthday for two daughters,\. They want a dance party...karaoke and decorations. I can do that. gonna borrow a bit of jack to cover it but i get a nice check on the 15th. just in time to get some...
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truck is falling apart. i really dont want to fuck with this but alas i have no choice. must have wheels in this city without a subway. your car is something most take for granted everyday. you just figure it will work when you get in and turn the key. then when it ineviably has problems, you realize how hard it is to not have...
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that could enjoy the set,
which is your name lady?
Whitness smile
that could enjoy the set,
which is your name lady?
Whitness smile

big fun to be had in the near future. Tonight hotpipes live...these friends are totally rocking lately. tomorrow night one on one time with my sweet, sweet Ammie. she rocks my world in so many great ways. sat night is ammie and my costume party celebraqting all hallows eve, one year of us being a couple and our good friend aaron's birthday. got some gomez...
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