did you provide some heat and food?
perfect? i like to think that others think i am perfect, but if you look close enough ( not to spoil any fantasy you already have made up in your mind ) you will see i have imperfections that could other wise be perfected by modern technology and medicine, but i chose not to sometimes having imperfections is what keeps us grounded to eachother.
Crooked teeth
One breast larger than the latter notice i said Larger, lol
laugh lines quickly appearing in the corners of my eyes and forhead.
hair, hmm spots of dammage brought on by my OCD struggle. every day is a fresh day to try again though
hairy fore arms, i could wax or shave, but hey fuck it.
I could go on, but why should i, you get the pic....
none the less i am quite pleased your entertained by my daily journal. and blabberings about my lifes trivial moments and typO's
the only tini i can say that is near perfect is my food habbit and the love i have for my beans.
It saddens me that this loss has so consumed you, you seem to be a genuinely good, interesting person. Sometimes things happen that we can not control, I've had to convince myself of that so many times, but I don't think that means we have to stop trying.
I hope that one day your heart will sing happy songs
Hi you. I was thinking I am going to go through some old stuff (on my old computer that is never on) and that means I could get the files to make the prints you wanted, if you want them, you know the winter/lake pics. Not sure which ones of them you liked best but I'd be HAPPY to sell any of them cause I got my study loan bill this month which is always fun!
I don't think that you're any kind of troll under a bridge, I think that you're probably one of those few people that just loves too much, maybe you were just eaten alive.
I think that maybe a far to young, or stupid, or maybe inexperienced to know what I feel about desires, or love, or sex. Most of my desires stem from my urge to sleep, and I suppose that that's not passionate at all.
i will do my best mr. i hope you're weekend is good. mine is okay, a bit tired i need to focus on sleeping as always. staying up all night doesn't make great days.
True. Its never that I hate change per se', just certain changes...
Take care.