Story of the day..........
Thanks to all who sent well wishes to my mom
She is doing much better now but is still in alot of pain and can't do much yet. As far as we know she has a herniated disc in her lower back but until she goes for her MRI next week we don't know if she is going to have surgery or not.
In other news - I am officially done teaching dancing until next season!!!!! Not because the current season is over but rather because of "studio drama". I am still not certain if I am going back next year or not but the owners are freaking out that I won't even finish off this year. Here is the low down.......(rant to follow - you may want to skip the spoiler)
Thanks to all who sent well wishes to my mom

In other news - I am officially done teaching dancing until next season!!!!! Not because the current season is over but rather because of "studio drama". I am still not certain if I am going back next year or not but the owners are freaking out that I won't even finish off this year. Here is the low down.......(rant to follow - you may want to skip the spoiler)
Let see - what else is new??? Well PiratePete and I are in the middle of a wild and crazy plan but until we are finished all 4 phases I can't really say much Lets just say - we are wild and crazy!!!!
.......well to some people anyways
ok - that is enough rambling on for one journal....Hope everyone is Happy and Healthy
ooh teaching dance? what styles? sorry to hear about the drama...