Story of the day............
Almost a whole month with no update
All is well now that Pete is home safe and sound
A few trips to the Mouse House, a quick trip to Vegas to see Cirque Du Soleils "Mystere" (for the second time) and a nice 2 day drive up the coast was very much needed
Now that all of that is over with though it is back to work for both Pete and I. I have been running myself ragged for the past 6 months and it doesn't look like it is going to slow down any time soon. I am now working 5 days a week full time and the Doctors office, and teaching 4 nights a week full time which doesn't leave much time for anything else. On the up side it looks like I may be able to get my Paramedic license transferred down to California sooner than later
I know I have been a horrible friend on SG and in real life for that matter. I don't seem to have the time for anything anymore but I will do my best to be more aware of the situation as time rolls on
I hope that all of you are finding happiness and good health and I promise to make more of an effort to get on here more
Love you all!!!
Almost a whole month with no update

All is well now that Pete is home safe and sound

Now that all of that is over with though it is back to work for both Pete and I. I have been running myself ragged for the past 6 months and it doesn't look like it is going to slow down any time soon. I am now working 5 days a week full time and the Doctors office, and teaching 4 nights a week full time which doesn't leave much time for anything else. On the up side it looks like I may be able to get my Paramedic license transferred down to California sooner than later

I know I have been a horrible friend on SG and in real life for that matter. I don't seem to have the time for anything anymore but I will do my best to be more aware of the situation as time rolls on

I hope that all of you are finding happiness and good health and I promise to make more of an effort to get on here more

Love you all!!!

Happy St Patrics Day