Story of the day...................
That was a long time with no update....even PETE managed to update twice in that time period
Well - the past few weeks were full of just about anything you can think of. Because my Doctor doesn't pay Holiday pay until you have been working for her for a year both myself and the receptionist worked through the Holidays. Wasn't a bad deal though since we got to come in and work as we pleased since we weren't seeing patients for that time period. The last day of working with the Doctor before her break was such a fun one that it still makes me smile. Both her and our office manager (her husband) took us out for lunch before seeing patients all afternoon. It was a great time and after lunch they gave us each a gift basket with some chocolates, gormet coffee and a bottle of Baileys (MY FAVE!!!). The patients were all in great moods for the most part and through out the afternoon we were handed treats and gifts like crazy!! Just before I left for the day my office manager gave me a Christmas card and said that he was so happy I was working for him. It wasn't until I got home later that night that I opened it to find $250.00 cash fall out!!!
It was such an unexpected surprise that I called him on the spot to thank him
He just laughed and said that I earned it which made me feel so good about myself
I also managed to get 4 dances choreographed over the holidays which lightens my load this coming month in getting ready for the competition season. The only big number I have to worry about now is the one being used to audition with at Americas Got Talent but the girls that are doing the audition are so awsome I have complete faith in them learning the dance in a few short hours
Mom and Dad came and stayed with me for a week and a half and I was so happy to have them here to help keep my mind off of the Holidays. It was a tough time to get through but between my parents and all of Petes I survived and shortly we will be having our own "Christmas" on Jan 17th
Fun times were had and I even managed to get a short visit in with clarkekid during a visit to the Mouse House!
Words cannot describe how excited I am!!!! First he was told that he would be coming home middle of Jan (like around the 12th-14th), then it was this coming Friday or Saturday and this morning I awoke to find an email stating that he could be home on Thursday now
Good thing I have been keeping ahead of my little projects around the house that needed to be done before he got home. All I can say is that I have been waiting for the biggest hug from him and I WILL collect
So much has happened since he left:
-gramma died a few weeks before he departed
-barely got moved into the new house before he left
-lost my job
-gained 2 jobs
-Lucy (our guinea pig) passed away
-kittens grew like crazy
-Birthdays (mine, his sisters, his grammas, his nephews, his sister in laws, his step sisters, his father in laws)
-Our second anniversary
-MIL diagnosed with brain tumor
-Petes gramma dealing with kidney failure
-New Years
So with all of this being dealt with on my own on this end I am ready to have my partner in crime back to assist me in times of good and bad.
This will probably be my only update this week since I am working and teaching from dawn till dusk every day till Pete is home. Hope everyone has a great New Year!!!!
as is with the military, things are being delayed

Well - the past few weeks were full of just about anything you can think of. Because my Doctor doesn't pay Holiday pay until you have been working for her for a year both myself and the receptionist worked through the Holidays. Wasn't a bad deal though since we got to come in and work as we pleased since we weren't seeing patients for that time period. The last day of working with the Doctor before her break was such a fun one that it still makes me smile. Both her and our office manager (her husband) took us out for lunch before seeing patients all afternoon. It was a great time and after lunch they gave us each a gift basket with some chocolates, gormet coffee and a bottle of Baileys (MY FAVE!!!). The patients were all in great moods for the most part and through out the afternoon we were handed treats and gifts like crazy!! Just before I left for the day my office manager gave me a Christmas card and said that he was so happy I was working for him. It wasn't until I got home later that night that I opened it to find $250.00 cash fall out!!!

I also managed to get 4 dances choreographed over the holidays which lightens my load this coming month in getting ready for the competition season. The only big number I have to worry about now is the one being used to audition with at Americas Got Talent but the girls that are doing the audition are so awsome I have complete faith in them learning the dance in a few short hours

Mom and Dad came and stayed with me for a week and a half and I was so happy to have them here to help keep my mind off of the Holidays. It was a tough time to get through but between my parents and all of Petes I survived and shortly we will be having our own "Christmas" on Jan 17th

Words cannot describe how excited I am!!!! First he was told that he would be coming home middle of Jan (like around the 12th-14th), then it was this coming Friday or Saturday and this morning I awoke to find an email stating that he could be home on Thursday now

So much has happened since he left:
-gramma died a few weeks before he departed
-barely got moved into the new house before he left
-lost my job
-gained 2 jobs
-Lucy (our guinea pig) passed away
-kittens grew like crazy
-Birthdays (mine, his sisters, his grammas, his nephews, his sister in laws, his step sisters, his father in laws)
-Our second anniversary
-MIL diagnosed with brain tumor
-Petes gramma dealing with kidney failure
-New Years
So with all of this being dealt with on my own on this end I am ready to have my partner in crime back to assist me in times of good and bad.
This will probably be my only update this week since I am working and teaching from dawn till dusk every day till Pete is home. Hope everyone has a great New Year!!!!

as is with the military, things are being delayed

i hope the navy gets him home safe and soon