Story of the day...............................
Wow - I rememeber the first months of SG when I would update every day and panic if I didn't
Now it seems as if once a week is lucky if I can update then
In any case heres whats cooking on my the way - is it weird that I am listening to Christmas music as I type this???
First off - thanks to everyone who liked the kitty costumes that they wore for Halloween. Who knew that kittens liked wearing clothes. I know in the pictures I posted they didn't have the looks of like on their faces but when they wore them Halloween night they were so cute. My little "Angel" sat in the window all night so the first thing the trick or treaters saw was her (besides the decorations that were covering the yard and house) and my "Devil" was so proud of his costume that he would greet every trick or treater at the door to show off. Whats funny now is that he still wants to wear his devil costume so I think I may have to invest in a Christmas t shirt or somthing. I don't know if my little girl kitty will enjoy this as much as her brother will but it could still be cute
Hallowee itself was busy......I ran out of candy at about 8:00
so I had to put a sign on my door saying that I ran out and not 10 minutes later my neighbour came over with bags more of candy saying "your not out of business yet!" which I thought was really nice - and shocking since I don't know my neighbours that well.
Work is work - crazy busy and teaching is starting to really take off. I am teaching so many classes that I don't actually have time to teach them all
that is until they fix the schedule. I have already had to cut back the amount of classes I am teaching twice and it seems that each time I do this more classes are added right after
I'm not even teaching full time yet because construction on the studio was delayed thanks to the city taking its time approving our permits but in any case my special class is under way. Sadly though I had to cut some girls from the class because this is the Prestige Dance of the studio and a couple of the girls just aren't ready for the dance that I am choreographing. I hate saying no to kids who want to dance but this is a special dance that they had to audition for so they knew that there was a chance of this happening so....
Lets see - what else can I ramble on about....

ONLY 10 WEEKS UNTIL PETE IS HOME!!!!!! I Can't believe that 18 weeks have already gone by and now we are in the home stretch!!!!

I knew that this deployment was going to be long but now that we are into November it seems like it is hardly any time until he will be back home
I also figured that this years Birthday was going to suck hard because he was gone but his wonderful family has already taken care of that not happening!! Last weekend Petes mom told me that her and my other mom in law wanted to take me out for dinner for my birthday which I thought was nice
So yesterday she called me and asked me if I would go somewhere with them next weekend and after a few questions she asked me if I wanted to go see Cirque Du Soleil again this year for my birthday. Pete was so romatic last year - he knows that I LOVE Cirque so for my 30th birthday last year he took me to see their show Corteo. Well - I figured that this years birthday would be spent at work (it is on a Monday this year) but for the weekend I had big plans of cleaning house when Mak (Pets moms partner) told me that they were picking me up Saturday morning and taking me to Vegas to go see "O" which Pete and I saw 2 years ago. I LOVE that show but there was soooooo much I missed since there are things going on everywhere. Originally she asked me which show I wanted to see and which ones I haven't seen yet but after some discussion I told her I didn't wanna see a new show without Pete and she agreed with me so instead we are going to see this one again (second time for me and her and first for Petes mom). I am soooo excited!!!! To top off everything else my mom, dad and sister sent me a box of Disney movies to add to our collection and they are all ones I haven't seen yet so I had my weekend planned this weekend too
This birthday doesn't suck near as much as I thought it would......and it hasn't even happened yet!!!!!!
So next weekend I will be in Vegas so no update. The following weekend I am performing in the Lake Elsinore Thanks Giving Parade and then going to my families place to celebrate my second thanks giving in November
but I'll do my best to update before then. Of course I'll update after Vegas - it has been almost 2 years since I was last there (when Pete and I got married there right after our Canadian wedding)
So I leave you with this:
Be good - No fighting - No parties (ok, I'll let this one slide
) and I'll be back before you know it

P.S. - President Obama ROCKS
and Prop 8 DOESN'T
Wow - I rememeber the first months of SG when I would update every day and panic if I didn't

In any case heres whats cooking on my the way - is it weird that I am listening to Christmas music as I type this???

First off - thanks to everyone who liked the kitty costumes that they wore for Halloween. Who knew that kittens liked wearing clothes. I know in the pictures I posted they didn't have the looks of like on their faces but when they wore them Halloween night they were so cute. My little "Angel" sat in the window all night so the first thing the trick or treaters saw was her (besides the decorations that were covering the yard and house) and my "Devil" was so proud of his costume that he would greet every trick or treater at the door to show off. Whats funny now is that he still wants to wear his devil costume so I think I may have to invest in a Christmas t shirt or somthing. I don't know if my little girl kitty will enjoy this as much as her brother will but it could still be cute

Hallowee itself was busy......I ran out of candy at about 8:00

Work is work - crazy busy and teaching is starting to really take off. I am teaching so many classes that I don't actually have time to teach them all

Lets see - what else can I ramble on about....

ONLY 10 WEEKS UNTIL PETE IS HOME!!!!!! I Can't believe that 18 weeks have already gone by and now we are in the home stretch!!!!

I also figured that this years Birthday was going to suck hard because he was gone but his wonderful family has already taken care of that not happening!! Last weekend Petes mom told me that her and my other mom in law wanted to take me out for dinner for my birthday which I thought was nice

So next weekend I will be in Vegas so no update. The following weekend I am performing in the Lake Elsinore Thanks Giving Parade and then going to my families place to celebrate my second thanks giving in November

So I leave you with this:
Be good - No fighting - No parties (ok, I'll let this one slide

P.S. - President Obama ROCKS

and happy birthday!!
*birthday hugs!!!*