Story of the day...................
Well - my parents came out to visit last week
but they left today
I hate saying goodbye - especially since I am all alone right now. It was nice to have family here to hang out with while Pete is away. Not that I don't hang out with Petes family at all - it is just nice to see my parents since I only get to about 1-2 times a year
We had an awsome time - heres how it all went down.....
My parents arrived late Monday night and got the offical tour of the house and kittens before settling in for the night.
Day #1 - was spent just puttering around the area as well as the base. I had to go to the base to get my parents their tickets to Universal Studios and Disneyland and was so excited that they got me passes to come join them. I also stopped in at the Naval Hospital to look for any job openings and was pointed in the right direction (I hope at least). Dad also spent the afternoon doing some odd jobs that needed to be done around the house that I wasn't able to take care of.
Day #2 - was the offical day of shopping for mom and dad. I don't know what happended to them because they use to HATE shopping but now it is like a hobby for them. I also applied for a Security job while we were on the hunt for anything and everything under the sun that they could pack in their suitcases.
Day #3 - was my first trip to Universal Studios and my parents second. I finally got to see the Backdraft show and ride the studio tour tram (twice) I also went into the House of Horrors. For those of you who haven't been in it and want to go be warned....there are live actors in there that will (and I say that firmly) scare the crap out of you. Did you know that if the first actor manages to scare you, he radios to the rest of them to flag you?? Oh yes they do. I think that I bruised "Chuckys' ribs when I punched him. Hey HE jumped out at ME....not my fault. The studio tour was ok but rather sad. The only set I really wanted to see (for nostalgia reasons) was the Back to the Future set and my heart broke when we got there to find that it burned during the wild fires last year. They are planning on rebuilding it but you all know it won't be the same
Day #4 - the first of our 2 days in Disneyland. As always - it was awsome - enough said
Day $5 - second day of Disneyland as well as my 3rd Disney audition (which will be my last). The audition was a total waste of my time
They had already promised the cast from last years Christmas Parade their roles back so there really wasn't a need for the audition - they all got hired back on. Oh well - I got to hang out with clarkekid and my parents. I love hanging out with him which is why I am sad that we don't get to as often as we like
Oh well - what time we had together was fun
That evening I had to deal with a "friend" who had taken advantage of my being nice to her and since this is suppose to be a fun blog about my parents trip down I won't vent here. Long story short - I helped her out - last time EVER!!!!!
Day#6 - got a call back for the security job I applied for when my parents were shopping so I had an interview with them. I think it went ok but I haven't heard back as of today
We also went to visit Petes mom and step mom which is always fun to do
Plans were made for the next time my parents visit in December and fun times were had.
Day #7 - we went to see

for the second time. I don't know HOW we managed but we got the exact same guest as last time - Pam Anderson
She is a nice person but I was hoping to see someone else this time. Oh well - it was still fun
Oh yeah!! What is better than winning a t shirt in a dance contest at Ellen?? Winning a second one the second time you go to the show!!!!!!
Thats right - I did it again!!! They picked me out of the audience to dance before the show started to be a contestant for an "I danced with Ellen" T shirt. I didnt get a picture of it yet but now I have 2 in my closet
I think I am going to make it a goal to win one every time I go see her. The show we were in teh audience for will air tomorrow
On a totally DIFFERENT note about the Ellen show......They had us fill out these questionairs and asked if we had "unusual talents". I listed a couple that I had and was pulled aside after the show to film them for the producers. I didn't think anything of it because I am sure they get thousands of people who can do amazing things. Well - today just after my parents left
I got a call from the show asking how far away I lived from the studio and if I was availible to come back on Thursday
I had to make a video of my "talents" and am just waiting for them to email me the address to send it to. Holy crap - I may be ON the Ellen show rather than just in the audience!!!!! More to follow as I find out
Other than that I am just feeling really lonely now that mom and dad left. I know that they are back in December but I am still waiting for a job. Still looking and praying that somthing comes along soon. I don't know what to think right now but somthing has to be around the corner - I feel it.
Anyways - I think I have rambled on long enough. I hope that everyone is happy and healthy. If you have a free moment pop by PiratePete's journal to say hi - I know he is very lonely and homesick and now that he is getting ready to head out on ship I won't get to talk to him at all (or very little) until he returnes back to Okinawa in December
Anways - thats all.

Well - my parents came out to visit last week

I hate saying goodbye - especially since I am all alone right now. It was nice to have family here to hang out with while Pete is away. Not that I don't hang out with Petes family at all - it is just nice to see my parents since I only get to about 1-2 times a year

We had an awsome time - heres how it all went down.....
My parents arrived late Monday night and got the offical tour of the house and kittens before settling in for the night.
Day #1 - was spent just puttering around the area as well as the base. I had to go to the base to get my parents their tickets to Universal Studios and Disneyland and was so excited that they got me passes to come join them. I also stopped in at the Naval Hospital to look for any job openings and was pointed in the right direction (I hope at least). Dad also spent the afternoon doing some odd jobs that needed to be done around the house that I wasn't able to take care of.
Day #2 - was the offical day of shopping for mom and dad. I don't know what happended to them because they use to HATE shopping but now it is like a hobby for them. I also applied for a Security job while we were on the hunt for anything and everything under the sun that they could pack in their suitcases.
Day #3 - was my first trip to Universal Studios and my parents second. I finally got to see the Backdraft show and ride the studio tour tram (twice) I also went into the House of Horrors. For those of you who haven't been in it and want to go be warned....there are live actors in there that will (and I say that firmly) scare the crap out of you. Did you know that if the first actor manages to scare you, he radios to the rest of them to flag you?? Oh yes they do. I think that I bruised "Chuckys' ribs when I punched him. Hey HE jumped out at ME....not my fault. The studio tour was ok but rather sad. The only set I really wanted to see (for nostalgia reasons) was the Back to the Future set and my heart broke when we got there to find that it burned during the wild fires last year. They are planning on rebuilding it but you all know it won't be the same

Day #4 - the first of our 2 days in Disneyland. As always - it was awsome - enough said

Day $5 - second day of Disneyland as well as my 3rd Disney audition (which will be my last). The audition was a total waste of my time

Day#6 - got a call back for the security job I applied for when my parents were shopping so I had an interview with them. I think it went ok but I haven't heard back as of today

Day #7 - we went to see

for the second time. I don't know HOW we managed but we got the exact same guest as last time - Pam Anderson

On a totally DIFFERENT note about the Ellen show......They had us fill out these questionairs and asked if we had "unusual talents". I listed a couple that I had and was pulled aside after the show to film them for the producers. I didn't think anything of it because I am sure they get thousands of people who can do amazing things. Well - today just after my parents left

Other than that I am just feeling really lonely now that mom and dad left. I know that they are back in December but I am still waiting for a job. Still looking and praying that somthing comes along soon. I don't know what to think right now but somthing has to be around the corner - I feel it.
Anyways - I think I have rambled on long enough. I hope that everyone is happy and healthy. If you have a free moment pop by PiratePete's journal to say hi - I know he is very lonely and homesick and now that he is getting ready to head out on ship I won't get to talk to him at all (or very little) until he returnes back to Okinawa in December

Anways - thats all.


Good luck with Ellen tomorrow.