Story of the day....................
OK - Mini melt down is over now
I had a bad case of the "Nobody Loves Me Blues" last week and I felt like I had finally hit rock bottom.
This week things seem to be better - I mean I am still not working which sucks ass but knowing that I am doing everything in my power to find a full time job makes me feel better about the situation at least. It doesn't pay my bills but I am hoping that my unemployment starts up soon to help us in that department.
The dance studio isn't quite open for business yet since the construction is taking a little longer than expected but it is giving me time to get my dances choreographed and if I can find a few hours, get the music for my main dance piece composed. Sounds like we should be having the grand opening in the next few weeks or so and I can't wait to finally get back to what I loved doing for the majority of my life
The web site still isn't done yet either but as soon as it is I'll post the link up
My parents are coming down to visit this weekend for a week and a half and I can't wait!! I haven't seen them since February so I am due for a visit
They haven't seen the new house yet too so I am excited for them to see our first home
From what my mom said they are taking me to Disneyland for a couple of days, to Universal Studios since I haven't been yet. Also, for the second time mom and I are going to see

and I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!
The first time we saw her last year we had such a good time and I got to dance with Ellen
I even won this shirt during a dance contest they had during a commercial break

Speaking of dancing.........they started to reair the latest season of "So You Think You Can Dance" again and this time I caught somthing I hadn't before and for this reason I love You Tube. Most of you know that I auditioned for the show this year but due to a certain dancer that got in line right behind me, no other dancer within 50 ahead or behind this guy was even considered. Please observe the following video and pay attention to the people behind "Sex's" mother while she is talking to the camera. If you freeze the frame at 21 seconds you can see PiratePete and I (top left of the frame) look directly at the camera. By this point I was pissed off that the media had taken notice to this guy and was treating the situation like a 3 ring circus
Several months after this audition though I can look back and laugh at the situation. We both didn't sleep prior to getting in line at 4am to sit for hours on end outside. Then after finally getting into the theatre 6 hours later I got forgotten in the audition room for 2 hours before being told to dance Hip Hop (a style I haven't been trained in since 1993) only to be told thanks for coming. Oh well - it was an experience right?? Anyways - don't forget - 21 seconds into the video
A couple of weeks ago I spent some time on my carpenter skills making a "Pig Pen" for our back yard for our guinea pigs (Mickey and Lucy) to go in. I made it big enough that our cats ( Nero and Sabina) could use it too since they are not out door kitties. For not being a carpenter I think that it turned out ok - not how I had hoped but it workes anways. The only thing that really sucked about making this pen was the fact that I lost the top half of my big toe when I dropped a 2x4 on it
Well - other than that I think I have rambled on enough for one entry. I should get to bed - I am pretty tired and yesterday I managed to "Sun Fuck" myself
but that is another story in itself and I just don't have the energy to type it all out. Long story short - went outside with no sunscreen, passed out, sunburned myself, lesson learned
Hope everyone is well and once again PiratePetes mailing address
HM2 Peter Anthony Poole
3/1 H&S Company (BAS)
Unit 40220
FPO AP 96609-0220
I miss him like crazy
Who wouldn't love this face

I don't know when I'll be able to get on here again what with my parents being in town and all but I'll try
For now I'll just say:

OK - Mini melt down is over now

I had a bad case of the "Nobody Loves Me Blues" last week and I felt like I had finally hit rock bottom.
This week things seem to be better - I mean I am still not working which sucks ass but knowing that I am doing everything in my power to find a full time job makes me feel better about the situation at least. It doesn't pay my bills but I am hoping that my unemployment starts up soon to help us in that department.
The dance studio isn't quite open for business yet since the construction is taking a little longer than expected but it is giving me time to get my dances choreographed and if I can find a few hours, get the music for my main dance piece composed. Sounds like we should be having the grand opening in the next few weeks or so and I can't wait to finally get back to what I loved doing for the majority of my life

My parents are coming down to visit this weekend for a week and a half and I can't wait!! I haven't seen them since February so I am due for a visit

and I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!

Speaking of dancing.........they started to reair the latest season of "So You Think You Can Dance" again and this time I caught somthing I hadn't before and for this reason I love You Tube. Most of you know that I auditioned for the show this year but due to a certain dancer that got in line right behind me, no other dancer within 50 ahead or behind this guy was even considered. Please observe the following video and pay attention to the people behind "Sex's" mother while she is talking to the camera. If you freeze the frame at 21 seconds you can see PiratePete and I (top left of the frame) look directly at the camera. By this point I was pissed off that the media had taken notice to this guy and was treating the situation like a 3 ring circus

A couple of weeks ago I spent some time on my carpenter skills making a "Pig Pen" for our back yard for our guinea pigs (Mickey and Lucy) to go in. I made it big enough that our cats ( Nero and Sabina) could use it too since they are not out door kitties. For not being a carpenter I think that it turned out ok - not how I had hoped but it workes anways. The only thing that really sucked about making this pen was the fact that I lost the top half of my big toe when I dropped a 2x4 on it

Well - other than that I think I have rambled on enough for one entry. I should get to bed - I am pretty tired and yesterday I managed to "Sun Fuck" myself

Hope everyone is well and once again PiratePetes mailing address

HM2 Peter Anthony Poole
3/1 H&S Company (BAS)
Unit 40220
FPO AP 96609-0220
I miss him like crazy

I don't know when I'll be able to get on here again what with my parents being in town and all but I'll try

*HUGS* back