Story of the day............................
First off I wanna say thank you to everyone who wished Lucy well
I am happy to say that she is going to be fine

She had parasites in her intestine (that she managed to pick up from the grass in our back yard) that thankfully the other little piggy didn't get while he was back there too. The vet told me that if I hadn't gotten her there within about another hour then I would not have her here with me today
At first he gave me 3 options when we got to the ER:
#1 - take her home and let nature take its course
#2 - Pay $150 to have her put to sleep
#3 - Pay $245 to take the chance of giving her shots and oral meds to try and fix the problem
What pet owner wouldn't give their animal a fair shot at life?? Even with the fact that I am not working right now and money is REALLY tight I didn't even hesitate to make choice #3
The tech that assisted with the injections told me that within 15 minutes of the first shot they knew she would pull through. Today I know she is ok because it was the first day that she refused to let me give her the meds
She is subborn just like her mom

In the job hunting story
I bet I have bout 200 resume and applications out and still nothing
I have high hopes for a job that closes on Friday though that I am keeping my fingers crossed for. It is one of those jobs that most people would pass over in a minute but it is somthing right up my alley. Deputy Coroner Assistant
Basically I would be learning on the job to become a Deputy Coroner within about a years time. This also means that I would be in a job that once again I would be armed (at least I think I would be)
*Insert HAPPY DANCE here*
In any case - I have also applied to just about every hospital, Drs office, warehouse, retail store and even Mc Donalds. I don't really care where I work just as long as I am working. I have an interview with a temp agency (or placement agency as they put it) on Monday so I hope that they can assist me in finding somthing fast. I also got a call back for a casual job administering injections and stuff but that is a very very casual job that would mean a weekend here, a day there but at least it is a start. Even if I find a full time job then this one can be for "fun money" or somthing
I am missing Pete like crazy
I know that it is part of military life (boy do I ever) but the heart has problems with missing the one you love
Oh well - we are down to 18 weeks left
Doesn't sound so bad when you put it like that. He got to go to Iwa Jima yesterday and I can't wait to see the pictures. I believe he got to go to the famous site where the flag was put up
How cool is that?? For now my heart misses its other half

Last but not least - last night I came down stairs to get a drink of water and I managed to take the CUTEST picture ever
If you look closely you can see that they are making a heart shape. If I were a photographer I would love to try and pose to kittens together like this and they did it all by themselves
I think it is cute that they like each other so much. They should though - they are brother and sister

Just picture me clumping down the stairs, seeing these little guys like this, going AWWWWWW in a somewhat quiet whisper, running up the stairs as quietly and quickly as I can to get the camera, almost breaking my neck coming back down the stairs to find that they haven't moved a muscle
With that being said - here is Petes address (yet again):
HM2 Peter Poole
3/1 H&S Company (BAS)
Unit 40220
FPO AP 96609-0220
Hope everyone is Happy and Healthy

First off I wanna say thank you to everyone who wished Lucy well

#1 - take her home and let nature take its course

#2 - Pay $150 to have her put to sleep

#3 - Pay $245 to take the chance of giving her shots and oral meds to try and fix the problem

What pet owner wouldn't give their animal a fair shot at life?? Even with the fact that I am not working right now and money is REALLY tight I didn't even hesitate to make choice #3

In the job hunting story

I am missing Pete like crazy

Last but not least - last night I came down stairs to get a drink of water and I managed to take the CUTEST picture ever

Just picture me clumping down the stairs, seeing these little guys like this, going AWWWWWW in a somewhat quiet whisper, running up the stairs as quietly and quickly as I can to get the camera, almost breaking my neck coming back down the stairs to find that they haven't moved a muscle

With that being said - here is Petes address (yet again):
HM2 Peter Poole
3/1 H&S Company (BAS)
Unit 40220
FPO AP 96609-0220
Hope everyone is Happy and Healthy

GL with the job hunt - you'll land the right one, just be patient
and - any time!